auditorium’s dark anyway. You’ll miss the previews.”
Zoe’s expression said she should probably brush her hair, but Veronica still seemed shaken, so Megan nodded and contented herself with smoothing the sides with her hand.
“We can sit there.” Megan pointed to the best seats, above the middle center.
“Right,” Zoe ignored her suggestion and slid into the row in front of Joseph. She handed Veronica her cell. “Tell that loser off.”
Megan snatched the phone. “No. Talk to Kyle in person.”
Joseph held his hands in the air, using a chicken wing as an imaginary phone. “You tapping me for a date? Click-click-click. Want my digits?”
Veronica said, “You can’t even hear the keys.”
Joseph used the chicken to cover his eyes. “You’re blinding me with the screen.”
Riley kicked the back of Joseph’s chair. Joseph flicked his wrist, and the chicken wing flew backwards. Riley stood up, his fists clenched.
The usher stopped his patrol. He jerked a hand toward the exit. “No calls. Out.” He pointed straight at Megan. Joseph quickly shoved the box of chicken under his chair. Riley kicked, and the bucket shoved toward Joseph’s feet. A few piece tumbled free, and the scent of chicken blew into the cold air.
The usher pointed at Riley and gestured to the exit. “You too.”
Riley stomped passed.
Megan crossed her arms over her chest, and kept her head down to hide her embarrassment. The usher behind her muttered about bad behavior, and she snuck a peek back.
Zoe snuggled into the cushioned armrest, settling in for the movie.
Veronica tightened her lips and stepped into the aisle. “That’s not her phone.” She pointed at Megan and tried to explain what happened.
The overzealous usher muttered louder, ignoring her explanation. “Come with us.” He patted his utility belt.
Veronica moved to her side.
The heavy doors shoved open into the lobby. Chase and Coach stood on the other side.
The usher said, “I’m sending these trouble-makers to the upper auditorium to watch the film. They caused a disturbance.”
Veronica opened her mouth like she wanted to protest, but didn’t say anything.
Coach frowned. “Fine.”
Chase said, “As long as the sound’s better.”
Megan straightened her posture and tugged at her jacket. No freaking way--Chase is going to sit in the bad behavior section with us! Awesome.
The usher swung a hand toward the empty elevator. “After you.” He polished the buttons with a rag from his pocket before depressing B for balcony then slapped a hand over his walkie-talkie, testing its on-off switch. He did that three times before the doors opened at the second floor and they stepped onto a carpeted balcony overlooking the lobby. The scent of popcorn clung to the air, but theater wasn’t as cold up here.
Megan wondered if she could take her jacket off.
The usher handed them 3-D glasses. “Enjoy the movie.” He clasped his hands together and raised them over his head in the shape of a triangle, and muttered something she couldn’t hear below his breath.
Weirdo. Some people work in the dark for a reason.
They’d spill their popcorn. The usher muttered about other annoyances and thought about the cleaning supplies. He’d need more.
A smudge the size of his palm covered the brushed silver push plate on the door. Some type of butter, maybe a soda smear, or could be candy goo. He wiped at the mark with his rag and used his sleeve to make a final polish. When the filth went away, some of the anxiety coursing through his veins lessened.
He patted his walkie-talkie, and moved to the opposite corner to call her. Hunching over, he cupped his hand over the mouthpiece before speaking. “He’s in. But some other kids were terrorizing the theater so they had to go too.”
Chapter 8
C hase and Riley sat behind them with an empty seat between them. Megan and Veronica sat together. The balcony seats weren’t bad, almost private, and the