Gnome Preparatory School
“Well… I guess we’ll find some gnomes to ask here,” says Alex. But she looks like she’s not too eager to go in.
“I bet this time it will be better,” Rapunzelsays, but I can tell even she might not believe it.
“Or not,” Moriah says, when she can’t budge the door. We finally manage to pull it open, but it takes all of us. Whew!
The classes are in session, so we tiptoe. As I look around, I can’t help wondering what it would be like to go to school here. There arelots of carved statues of dragons and other magical creatures, large pieces of rock with amazing gems in them, and cases full of interesting-looking tools. There’s also a big poster about dragon care that I wish I could stop and read. I almost knock over a stone statue because I’m so busy looking around. Moriah catches it just in time!
“Shhh—be careful!” she says. “We don’t want to attract too much attention. Or we won’t be going on any more field trips.
Good point.
BRRRINNG , clangs the bell. Class must be over.
We freeze. “Quick, in here!” I say, and pull open a door.
The good news is, it’s a closet. The not so good news is, it’s a little bit tight for four.
Who knew that gnomes getting out of class sound like a herd of wild unicorns?! Or take so long!
When it’s finally quiet again, I peek my head out. I see a gnome who looks like he’s about our age, standing in front of a bulletin board—
. I try to act braver than I feel.
It turns out his name is Justin, and he’sin his second year at Gnome Prep. I get the feeling he’s not your typical gnome. He actually seems excited to meet some live princesses.
When I explain that we have to get back to our class, Justin suggests we walk into the main village to see if we can find a dragon that can fly us back to our class. He has his own pet dragon—lucky him! But she’s not full-grown yet, so she isn’t big enough to carry all of us.
I think this is a great plan! Moriah, Alex, and Rapunzel are not so happy about the “flying on a dragon” part.
Chapter 12
Dragon to the Rescue
Justin takes us on a narrow path up a rocky hill. When we get to the top, we can see the whole village! Moriah gasps. Rapunzel beams. Alex’s eyes get huge.
I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Because there, in front of us, is a large lake surrounded by hundreds of homes—in all sorts of odd shapes and sizes, with statuesand gardens all carved out of stone. The lake sparkles, and it almost looks like it’s snowing because the gnomes are busy cutting, carving, or polishing stone, with glittery dust flying. It’s like being in a giant snow globe.
There’s only one thing missing from this perfect fairy tale picture.
“But where are the dragons?” I say.
Justin looks down. “The Royal Council is worried about them being near the cavern lakes, so now they’re not allowed to fly free in this area.”
“Why doesn’t the Royal Council want them near the lakes?” Alex asks.
“Because the dragons used to swim in the lakes,” Justin says. “The council wasworried that their fires would scorch the bank or make the waters too warm.”
“So that’s why we haven’t seen any dragons in a while,” I say.
“And why the gnome we saw earlier didn’t want to talk to us—he was angry with the Royal Council,” Moriah adds.
“Um, I hate to interrupt,” Alex says, “but are we going to have to cross that bridge?”
“Yes,” says Justin. “There’s no other way to get from this hillside into the village.”
Alex, Moriah, and I look at Rapunzel.
“What is it?” Justin asks.
“Rapunzel doesn’t really like heights,” I say.
“Too much time in towers,” Moriah adds.
“Don’t worry,” says Rapunzel. “I just won’t look down.”
We start across. The glittery dust swirls in the breeze, and the bridge sways a little. Justin goes first, I follow, and Rapunzel comes next. Then Alex and Moriah.