no excuse.
“Two,” the chime announced. Soon, very soon, Back would show Andrew how a man acted.
Evie slapped again, and this time a fingernail scratched Andrew’s neck.
“No!” Back yelled. “That should be me !”
Andrew dabbed the blood at his neck. “Jeez, you didn’t have to hurt me.”
“Please, please, just leave me alone.”
Oh, that was not going to happen. Adrenaline surged through Back’s body. He wanted to see her in pain. He hadn’t always been like this. As a matter of fact, he could point to the exact moment when he’d become like this.
He’d just been an average teenage boy, whacking off in his room, when his foster mom found him. He’d been bumped from that home, and worse, he’d gotten a “SAY” designation. An acronym that had announced he was a Sexually Aggressive Youth. Which meant he got put into an SAY group home, where the older, bigger boys who were actually SAYs had their way with him.
From there on out, for some funny reason, Back didn’t give a shit about anyone else’s feelings. He only cared what felt good to him. And him being the aggressor worked just fine for him.
“One,” the chime announced. Oh, so close, he could taste what her sweat tasted like.
Andrew, however, was still trying to reason with the bitch. “The last time we had a woman? It took Igor over a week to clean up.” He pointed to the dirt floor. “Intestines leak into the cracks and don’t come out very easily.”
“Bingo!” the chime finally announced as the sound of locks springing open filled the room. The woman screamed as Back leaped from his cell.
Andrew tried to block him. “Finders keepers!”
He backhanded the teen. “Come here, bitch!”
For a big hick, Clyde was pretty damned quick out of his cell. Door wasn’t half bad, either. But he got to Andrew first, jerking the woman from his grip.
“No fair!” the teen squealed.
“I get the top half!” Clyde yelled as he grabbed the woman’s other arm.
Papa was wailing on both of them. “Leave her alone!”
Esau was in the mix, biting Papa in the arm, but the old man was no slouch and elbowed Esau in the nose. Blood gushed. Back grabbed the woman around the waist and pulled her to him. He nuzzled his nose into her hair. She smelled like spring. Like the season it was when he was first abducted and locked away here. How many years had it been? Two? Three? You kind of lost track.
“You’re going to get very, very, very familiar with the meaning of the word excruciating, whore.”
The woman struggled in his arm, but Back was not about to let go of his prize. He dragged her deeper into the cells. Finally, the other men started to retreat.
“See that?” Back demanded. “I rule. I am God here.”
The woman lashed out and dug her fingernail into his cheek.
“That’s more like it!” he yelled, just before he punched her. Her head snapped around. She slipped from his grip and stumbled forward. The other men didn’t even attempt to claim her. That’s right, Back was that powerful.
Then he realized that the bitch had fallen into Darion’s cell. Even Back didn’t want to go into that cell.
“Get out of there!” Papa screeched behind him.
Was today the day he was going to challenge Darion? Finally take the prick down a peg or two?
* * *
Darion had watched the scenario play itself out. It was quite predictable. Even the slap fight. Back looked like he was trying to screw up the courage to finally do something about all that seething rage he had against him.
The woman’s eyes had dilated to saucers.
“Don’t worry,” Darion said, trying to reassure her. “I only kill men .”
The woman stood up, eying first Darion, then Back, then the men lined up behind Back. Not many options there.
“Why?” she asked.
“You’re called the weaker sex for a reason.”
“And he thinks rape is fucking beneath him,” Back added. Always so helpful.
The woman shook her head though. “No, I meant why ?” she indicated