talks in code or lunacy?”
Dionysus thought about this for a moment. “See what happens.”
“That’s no answer.”
“It’s the best you’ll get.”
Rebecca raised her glass and Dionysus clanked with his. “You start tomorrow. We drink today.”
“I really need some rest—”
Dionysus interrupted her and brushed her unfinished sentence aside. “You’ll be fine. How about you give us a teaser?”
“Fine. What do you want to know?”
“Hmmmm”—he looked around the dive bar that housed antiquities that could finance a small country—“What do you look for in a man?”
“Oh, here we go.”
“This is different, Apollo.”
“Would you like to hear a poem, Rebecca?”
“Uh. . . Sure.” Having another conversation routed, it seemed to her to be the theme of the day.
I once chased a naiad
love struck I was and full of bad
we coupled and swam as I was a lad
and when it dissolved
harder came my resolve.
“Nice poem.”
Rebecca asked, “What does it mean?”
He looked back and forth between Dionysus and Rebecca with a salacious grin. “Be careful.”
Dionysus gestured like an Italian mobster, shaking one hand with each finger touching his thumb. “The men, Rebecca. The men. . .”
“Right. . . I’m young and stupid. I don’t know what I want.”
He clasped his hands together. “Ruthlessly honest. . . how fabulous. You have too much of a brain.”
“My mom once told me that.”
“Wise woman.”
“I didn’t go to college though.”
“Did you lose your brain because you didn’t go to college?”
“Then what does that matter?”
“Hard to get a man with something going for him.”
He made a clicking sound and gazed into her eyes. “Then that is a stupid man.”
Rebecca felt flustered. Her heart was starting to race, and she finished the drink without paying heed to Dionysus’ warning. It came on hard and fast, a moment of clarity turned into tipsy. She was feeling it—too much it. And this guy was smooth, too smooth . She would be on her back with her legs apart if she wasn’t careful. “I hope you’re right.”
“I never am.” He laughed and finished another. After what she felt, she was astounded by his pace. “How many of these do you drink a day?”
“I’ve never counted.”
“But you don’t forget.”
“I don’t.”
“Then recall.”
“Hmmm.” He pondered then said, “Forty-seven.”
“Say what?”
Apollo started to think then said, “Yesterday was forty-seven.”
“How is that possible?”
He shrugged. “You won’t believe me if I told you.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because everything has been in front of you, yelling at you, screaming to tell you the truth, but you’re not listening. You’re on another station tuned in to another channel. The hits keep playing and you’re looking for deep tracks.”
“I’m not even going to touch that.”
“You shouldn’t. It was a bit messy.”
“Fine!” She yelled, slapped the counter harder than she meant to and said some colorful words in her head. The tipsiness was roaring, becoming a flirtatious drunk. First was the yelling, then was the fucking, it had been a story she had lived all too often. “Are you telling me? Are you all telling me that you’re gods? I’m supposed to believe that the Greek sun god is polishing glasses in a bar called The Old Watering Hole and the Greek messenger god was filling up my gas?”
He looked at Apollo. “That’s about the jest of it, right?”
“I suppose so.”
Hysteria seeped into Rebecca’s mind, she was on the verge of an exquisite meltdown when the doors blew open and in came a satyr on a mule; it’s back draped over the harness with his silver beard touching the floor and an erect penis standing firm and at attention like a flag.
All hail! The Prince of Drunks! Silenus.
Rebecca did not know that this man, Silenus,