interstate last night, huh?”
“Yup,” Ron said, trying to hide his smile. “On his way
home from the pool tournament, just after midnight. Musta
been tipsy.”
Fuller’s brow furrowed as he shuffled papers on his
desk. “Tipsy, you say? That’s not like Jake, especially with
all the nonsense over his daughter. He’s a careful guy, with
a lot to lose. You’re sure about this?”
“I’ve got the printout from the breath-lyzer right in the
file, next to the report. Says .038, darn close to the legal
limit. He shouldn’ta been at the wheel of his truck,” Ron
gloated. Sergeant Fuller eyes met Ron’s dead on. “It’s all in
the report,” Ron insisted.
Fuller set his jaw. “I better double check the calibration
on the darn thing. How’s the girl?”
“She blacked out, guess you heard that on the scanner
last night. Has a Pennsylvania driver’s license, but she was
in a rental car. Ethel and the crew got her to Salida for a
CAT scan. Seemed like Jake was going to bring her back,
when they finished with her at the hospital. Don’t think she
has any family ‘round here.”
Looking over his ledger, Fuller picked up his phone.
“I’ll do some digging, find out how she made out.”
Ron shuffled into the hallway to clock out.
Sergeant Fuller raised his voice, to make sure Ron
heard him. “And I’ll ask Alice what Jake was drinking, last
“You do that,” Ron called, nodding to his boss as he
headed to the locker room to change for his day job.
Tess sopped a last bit of egg with her whole wheat
toast, flashing Jake a flirty little smile. He blushed and slid
his hat on his head, looking away. Judging by the way
people here are checking us out, he hasn’t been seen
around town since his divorce.
All through breakfast, he’d glanced her over worriedly,
asking if she was okay, assuring he’d help her get settled.
She hadn’t mentioned her parents were attorneys. The
waitress took their plates, refilled Jake’s coffee and laid a
check on the table. Tess snapped it up. “I got it,” Jake
insisted, grabbing for his wallet. “C’mon, Tess, you’re hurt.
Let me get breakfast.”
“No way!” She dug out her credit card out and slapped
it on the bill. “You spent all night taking care of me, and
now I’ve guilt-tripped you into helping me with my
errands. The least I can do is buy your bacon and eggs.”
Jake raised an eyebrow in disapproval as the waitress
scooped the check up. His tanned face crinkled around his
eyes. “Well, then, Nancy gets a real good tip.” He laid a ten
on the table.“You want to order something for later, since
you won’t have anything to cook with?”
“Very thoughtful of you,” she smiled. “After we check
out my apartment, I plan to hit the Goodwill. I hope to have
pots and pans and dishes by lunchtime.”
Amused, Jake slurped his coffee. “There’s no Goodwill
in town, but we do have a thrift store on Third Street, pulls
from all five churches. It’s too far to walk, in your
condition, and with any luck, you’ll have a load to haul
back to your place. I’ll take you there after groceries.”
Standing, she grabbed her blood stained hoodie from
the hook at the top of the booth. He stood up to help with
her sleeves, the rough stubble of his cheeks close. She
smelled leather and soap. Her brow crinkled. “I really
shouldn’t tie up your whole morning. Should I call a cab, or
His face burst into a grin. “A cab, in this town? Fat
chance, Tess, there’s not a taxi service outside of Denver.”
His grin widened as he pushed the diner door open for her.
“We’re surrounded by ghost towns out here. Where did you
say you’re from?”
“Pennsylvania,” she hedged.
“Where, in Pennsylvania?” he asked pointedly, as they
crossed the parking lot.
She winced as he opened her door. “Philadelphia?”
His grin widened. “Hah, I thought so. You’re a city girl.
Not for nothing, but what