noisy atmosphere and blaring music,
“Oh, God.” Abby laid her head in her hands. “I can’t Abby gave them a recap of her bizarre conversation with Mike deal with this.”
and Seth.
“You can, too. I’d love to be in your shoes. Wanna
“Holy shit,” Callie said when Abby finished. “Girl, you trade?”
might as well go buy a lottery ticket, because your ship has Abby lifted her head and cast beseeching eyes on Blair.
come in.”
“Sure. You go instead.”
Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton /Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007
Callie snickered. “She’d eat those two up and spit them
“I love when you grin like that,” Blair said. “It’s so evil.
out like she does all her men.”
Reminds me of the old days.”
Blair grabbed a chip and waved it at Callie. “Yeah, but Abby couldn’t help it. She had actually started to they thank me for it.” She popped the chip in her mouth and visualize events, from the country club to what might happen grinned as she chewed.
afterward. But could she go through with it if dining and Abby laughed.
dancing led to something else with Mike, or Seth, or even, God
“Seriously, Abby, what have you got to lose?” Callie help her, both of them? It hadn’t occurred to her that they asked. “It’s been forever since you dated. And it’s the country might be into that kind of action until Blair mentioned it. She club. Isn’t Chad a member?”
was hardly a woman of the world. She didn’t have experience
with kinky sex like this. Not that she hadn’t fantasized about it.
Blair laughed. “Even better. Wouldn’t he just die to see But fantasy was one thing. Reality was something entirely you walking in there with Mike and Seth? I mean literally die different.
with jealousy?”
“I’d sell my soul for a hot night with two men like Mike
“Please. Chad didn’t care what I did when we were Nottingham and Seth Jacobs,” Callie said with a sigh. “Or even married. Why would he care now?”
one of them. Sex has been virtually nonexistent in my life for,
“Because he always thought he owned you. You know well, you know. A long time.”
he still does,” Blair said. “And it would kill him to see you Callie stared into her margarita like a crystal ball. Abby happy. He wants you pining away and miserable without him, knew she was thinking of Bobby. She slid her hand over the rotten, cheating bastard. I think you should go just to stick Callie’s. “You miss him.”
it to him, show him you’ve moved on. That you’ve got a career
“Yeah.” Callie smiled. “It’s time to move on, though.
and not one man, but two to take his place.”
It’s been long enough.”
It would be worthwhile to see Chad’s face while she
“And Bobby would kick your ass if you pined away too celebrated with Seth and Mike. Not that she had a single long,” Blair added, moving her hand on top of Abby’s and vindictive bone in her body. She took what she was entitled to Callie’s.
by law in the divorce, and nothing more, much to the irritation Callie’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. Abby knew of her attorney. She’d just wanted it to be over, wanted to how much Callie had loved her husband. Losing him to cancer forget the shame and embarrassment, the public humiliation had been a harsh blow. But Callie was one of the toughest Chad caused her with his overt cheating. But just once she women she knew and had weathered it well. She’d kept on would like to show him she’d made a decent life without him, going, because that’s what Bobby would have wanted her to and that she could get another man. Maybe even two.
do. But Callie was right. It had been long enough. She had to start living again.
Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton /Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007
“So I guess you’re the only one getting any these days,”
Abby was almost afraid to ask. Blair had ‘that look’ in Callie said with a