purple shadows, thinking for a moment that her eyes were playing tricks on her. But it was the air in the cabin that was changing color. She punched him hard in the ribs once, twice, before getting on her feet, the small space they’d been afforded already littered with one fallen body.
Kelis jumped on a seat as the man turned to face her, his movements slow, but not in a calculated way. It seemed it was hard for him to adjust his plan of action. He lunged for her and she gasped, getting a knee between their bodies, probably scoring a good hit on his privates as he pushed her back in the seat, making her fall back painfully.
He ripped at her face and she could feel a hard sting on her cheek as his strong fingers grabbed for the mask. She got an elbow up, pressing it against his windpipe and putting all her strength into it as the visibility in the cabin seemed to be falling with every second. Kelis strained for breath, conscious that the man on top of her, clawing at her as if he were a beast not a man at all, was hell-bent on getting the mask off of her face.
She got her other hand out from under him and socked him in the face hard, but it seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever. It was maybe more of an annoyance than anything else. She growled under her breath, her body straining against him as she tried to push him off of her, but it was no use. When the mask was pulled down on her face, she took one last breath, trying to hold on for a moment longer and not allow the poisonous gas into her lungs.
But the wild-eyed adversary was ready for this as well. He pressed down on her stomach hard, making her gasp. A moment later, the man was suddenly pulled off of her and through watery eyes, Kelis could see Grant pounding his face against the overhead bins until it was nothing more than a bloody mess. She clambered to move the mask in front of her nose and mouth, but it was too late.
She’d already taken at least three breaths of the purple concoction.
Her stomach twisted immediately and her vision seemed to blur at the edges, fading a little.
“Kelis, are you okay?” Grant asked, and she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Looking up, it was Grim, his brows furrowed and blood trickling down his temple. For an insane moment, she found the blood entirely enticing, inviting even. She reached her hand up, feeling the urge to run her finger along that bloodied line, when the plane seemed to shutter and roll, careening to one side.
“What now,” Grant growled, stomping down the aisle toward the cockpit.
Another tall body pressed by, clapping Grim on the shoulder for a moment, taller than him but similarly built. Kelis couldn’t do much more than to lie on her back on the seats, trying to fight the odd, buzzing feeling that was running through her in endless waves, making her tingle from head to toe. She felt a surge of energy, but it was overtaken by an immediate and equally strong burst of lethargy, and her mind couldn’t bend to process what was going on.
Slowly she heard voices again, along with the sounds of men stirring.
“You okay?” the other guy asked, his stern, gray-blue eyes looking around.
“Peachy fucking keen,” Grim growled.
“That’s not good, though,” the other man said and a second later, his fist collided with the large, blocky head of one of the football players.
“Great,” Grim said with an annoyed grunt to his voice. “Stay here, okay, sugar?”
Kelis nodded idly, not really in control of her body. Her hands wanted to form fists and a loud voice in her head told her that she wanted blood. Needed it. Visions of violence danced in her brain, and then in front of her very eyes as Squad Six methodically punched out every person on the whole freaking airplane.
They were all crazed, almost foaming at the mouth as they charged, big and impossibly strong, but no match for the men pitted against them. Kelis could hear the sounds of a scuffle, and every now and then a few bodies would stumble