Gaelen left no doubt who was in charge.
“ Yet, my enemies will use it to portray me as unprepared for leadership. If any of you have questions about my right or ability to rule, I wish to hear them now so they may be discussed openly. To govern effectively, I need the pulse, not only of the people, but especially of you, the members of my advisory council. I am confident I will allay your fears so that we move forward with one mind. I need to know I can depend on your allegiance.” He paused and met each man’s eyes again. “I expect you may have concerns about my leadership. Speak freely, here and now. We have not the freedom to delay this. Too much demands immediate action. There will be no reprisals for your candour.”
Janest spoke first, with the other two nodding immediate agreement. “My lord, we have all known you many years, I from your earliest childhood. You have my full allegiance as rightful lord, both of Bargia, and now of Catania. If we have any concerns in the future, I hope that we may speak with you as they arise.”
“ Argost? Sinnath? You are in agreement with Janest?”
“ I am, my lord,” each asserted earnestly.
Gaelen’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and his tone became lighter. “Then I know I am well served. Let us proceed.”
“ I have thought hard on our situation here. With no male of my family remaining to act as lord’s representative in Catania, it will be necessary to take measures that may not be popular or understood. Some might regard them as weak or ill advised.”
Klast noted that each man watched Gaelen with rapt attention.
“ I have decided to allow all prisoners and citizens who will swear allegiance to me to return to their homes and their duties, even in the castle.”
Argost nodded immediately. Janest looked surprised, then resumed his usual eager expression. Sinnath frowned as if deep in thought but made no move to respond. Klast watched closely as Gaelen went on. This was the important part of the meeting. Gaelen would want to hear how each man reacted to his decisions.
“ They will be permitted to pick up the pieces of their lives as best they can with no fear of settling scores.” As Sinnath started to shake his head Gaelen added smoothly, “I realize some cannot be trusted. That is a risk we must take.”
“ Your duties will be to make sure those of influence, both in my forces and among the surviving Catanian merchants, advisory council, traders and others, understand and support this. They must be led to see that it will be to their benefit, both politically and financially. I suggest this may be accomplished by moving among the people and listening, ready with convincing arguments. We must appear to be in all places at all times. And we must demonstrate that loyalty will be rewarded.”
Gaelen paused and let his words sink in before he continued. “I command all looters to return stolen booty back where they found it. They will receive full amnesty for three days to do so. We especially need to restore the castle, as it will be the centre of government. After three days, anyone found in possession of stolen goods will be dealt with as a thief, in accordance with the law. Any who dispute that they have rightfully earned these goods may bring their arguments to you, Argost. I appoint you governor and justice of Catania.”
Argost’s eyebrows rose and fell back again, as he nodded his acceptance.
Gaelen continued. “Those who argue that they deserve compensation due to losses suffered may take their case to you as well. You will decide if compensation is warranted and what form that will take. I have no time to deal with individual grievances.”
Gaelen hesitated, and for the first time, Klast heard a hint of uncertainty creep into his voice. “These decisions will establish me as honourable, resolute, and even-handed. You will report to me in two days, and we will see if changes need to be made. Do you all understand thus far?” Gaelen paused