did. It's in the past. Damage is done. So why is it suddenly an issue now?"
"That's a good question, actually." Adrian takes a sip of the champagne, and makes a face. "How did it become an issue? Has he known all this time?"
"Well, no." Ben drifts towards a tray of tiny beef Wellingtons. "I might've...told him."
"Sorry, I didn't catch that." Adrian grabs a handful of the little pastries. "Did you say you told him? He was never going to find out, and you rubbed it in the man's face like a naughty puppy? What's wrong with you?"
Ben sighs heavily. "Obviously, I have some kind of severe personality defect. You and my wife can discuss it later, if you want. The point is, it's done, I can't undo it, but I don't think I need to fall all over myself apologizing. I don't even think it's me he's mad at."
"Perhaps not." Adrian beckons over another server with a tray of shrimp cocktails. "But do you really think he wants to be dealing with you on top of everything? Just tell him you're sorry, say five hail Marys, whatever it takes."
Ben's mouth twists slightly. "I'm going to tell you something, for no reason other than the fact that you're currently in the room, and you seem pretty sane, and you don't already know my wife. Because you cannot tell her. Seriously. Promise me, Adrian."
"Of course," says Adrian, mildly. "Why would I tell her?"
"She's very persuasive. Just. Please."
"I promise I won't even talk to her. Cross my heart, and hope to die."
"All right." Ben lets out a deep breath. "Here's the thing..."
Chapter Three
"I fail to see why this matters," says Meg, handing her husband a glass of punch. "Like, at all."
"I didn't know there was punch ." Adrian looks deeply hurt. "I've been trying to choke down that swill he calls champagne." He shakes his head, coming back to the point. "Anyway. Trust me, it matters. There's some heavy shit going on between those two, and apparently it's very important that Jenna not find out. So. Now you know." He makes a vague gesture with his free hand. "Do with it what you will."
"Now I have to be responsible for this feud?" She glares at him. "I'm just going to skirt this whole issue by not talking to Jenna all night. There. Problem solved."
The corner of Adrian's mouth quirks up. "I mean, you could. But I heard she's going to be on American Horror Story next year. I heard she's seen the script ."
Meg's nostrils flare as her resolve weakens. "You fight dirty, Ryn."
"So dirty." His eyes sparkle. "Go on, babe. We can straighten this out, between the two of us. Just tell her the truth, and she'll understand what's going on, and...look, I'm not sure what's going to happen, but the truth always has to come out eventually. Right? Nothing's going to get better as long as people keep lying to each other."
Meg shakes her head. "That's a pretty funny philosophy, coming from Natalie McBride. But, fine. Okay. If the opportunity presents itself, I'll tell her what you told me. But if shit gets real, we're leaving. Immediately. Don't drink too much of that punch - I want you sober enough to drive home. Speaking of which..."
"...because I was hoping we could fuck in the car, and I'm sick of drivers knowing all my private business," Adrian finishes. "That's why I drove us here myself. Go on. Fly, little bird. Fly."
Conrad Wolverton arrives.
The moment he steps into the room, all of the women who've been gathered around Jenna scatter like birds. They flock to him in formation, and he smiles, smoothing his white hair back on his skull.
"So that's the guy who's so desperate to sell his house," Maddy mutters, to no one in particular.
"Apparently," says Adrian. Since the rest of the guests have started gravitating towards the host, they're some of the only ones left. Ben and Daniel still aren't making eye contact, and Meg hasn't figured out how to approach Jenna yet, though she's almost visibly vibrating with excitement at the idea of learning American Horror Story 's secrets.
"So you heard