Kala whipped the extinguisher at her, crushing the woman's head and sending her flying. Then she spun around and let off another blast, which hit the skinny black one in the face. He immediately started clawing at his eyes.
Can't get me if you can't see me, bastard . Kala had lost track of the fourth one. She glanced at the meter on top of the fire extinguisher. Maybe one shot left. Then he landed on top of her. Where he came from she didn’t know, but he flattened her to the ground and swung his fists at Kala, which caught her in the shoulder. She bawled in pain, a bullet had blown apart that shoulder only three months ago. He screamed back at her, then dove at her face with his wide-open mouth. She shoved the end of the extinguisher’s black hose in front of his face and fired the last of it. It caught him square in the mouth. He fell backwards, gagging and gasping, trying to breathe. After all, they aren’t actually dead, these guys still have to breathe. Kala dropped the extinguisher, took two steps and freed the fire axe from its mount. She blew out a deep breath and willed the pounding in her head to recede, even a little bit, so that she could focus on the nastiness at hand.
The woman was still alive - ish. She was moving and making some type of vocalizations, but was on the ground and Kala thought she would probably be dead soon enough. She wasn’t an immediate threat. Dead guy number three, who had jumped on her, was her first target. He could see just fine, and even though she’d blasted carbon dioxide into his lungs, he was coming at her again. He shambled toward her, moving quickly, one hand still grappling at his throat. Even so, he was still formidable. He was taller than she was, so Kala took a few steps back, under a steel girder. He hit it once with his head as he advanced, then ducked down to pounce on her. His mouth was open and his teeth, surprisingly white for a zombie, gleamed and dripped sticky saliva. As soon as he ducked beneath the beam, Kala attacked.
She wielded the fire axe like a huge, heavy golf club, swinging it up from the ground until it connected with his face. There was a thick thunk and he dropped forward, causing Kala to lurch forward with him. After he hit the ground, she had to step on his face and pull up just to dislodge the axe from the canyon it had created in his maxillae. What was left looked like a dissection gone wrong, and Kala’s stomach rolled at the sight of it. She shook her head and willed her stomach to calm. He wasn’t a real human anymore Kala, just a monster. And , I need that water I just put in there, so no throwing up!
From her left side came a crash as the skinny black zombie caught the edge of a table with his foot. He was sneaking up on her. Really? Actually sneaking? That’s disturbing. Instead, he fell right in front her.
Ha! Her inner bitch chuckled.
“Wow, bad call I guess,” she told the man before bringing the spiked end of the axe down on his head like a club. The sharpened point drove through his skull, piercing the parietal bone with ease. The body wracked and retched a little, then thankfully stilled. Again, she had to step on the poor fool just to pry her axe from its head. I’ve got to stop hitting them in the head, she thought, this is ridiculous!
Kala glanced over to the woman, who was still making some noises on the floor. I should put her out of her misery, she thought. I wonder if they feel pain . She briefly thought of her father. Briefly, because a moment later she was flying through the air, sailing over a table and landing against a large stainless steel cabinet. She slumped to the ground. The axe fell to the concrete floor and darkness crept over her vision.
Everything went completely black and a loud clang echoed through her already aching head. Then the light came rushing back and Kala saw the big, fat one she’d hit with the extinguisher barreling toward her. When he got close, he swung his foot, intending to