pregnancy arose.
He was married, and a quiet and very localized scandal ensued all while the rest of us were checking in to catch the scores, highlights, and tomorrow’s forecast, oblivious to it all. Fair or not, by virtue of his visibility and tenure he was of greater value to the affiliate, and presumably had some leverage of an assumable nature that required those who make such decisions to overlook his indiscretion, though truth be told, they were probably envious and high-fiving each other at the revelation when having drinks after work. But she on the other hand would be unable to hide her “ involvement ,” and right or wrong, while not fired, she was soon “off-the-air” so to speak.
In his defense, Frank had fallen in love with her and divorced his wife without as much drama as one might think, a childless union, the dissolution was fairly businesslike… Rae would later confess she thought there must’ve been something going on at the wife’s end as well, a handsome landscaper trimming the bush perhaps, and they married as soon as the divorce was final, but after the baby came, a son, Franklin, called Frankie, followed by another child soon after, whom they named Raymond James, after both their fathers… (Not the NFL stadium as people first thought), and they called him RJ for short. They lived a happy life, though he was sixteen years her senior he didn’t look it, and they made quite the couple. But marriages, as anyone who’s ever been married can attest to, are difficult to maintain, and Frank, being a local celebrity had his share of news groupies, which came with its distractions, temptations, opportunities …and eventual problems and excuses.
Past behavior being the best indication of future behavior, a suspicious Rae would find him one afternoon all bowed up at the Velvet Crown Inn with a local hockey team cheerleader, whereby she precipitously melted down , or blew up depending on your perspective. Their marriage of three and a half years came to a close. The relationship that had been born in infidelity, ended with infidelity as well, and as ironic as it would prove, she had a strong aversion to unfaithfulness and being cheated on. The incident scarred her it seemed, and even to this day she still had not gotten over it on some level. It had not been a blow to her confidence, that remained intact as she attributed the waywardness to his apparent stupidity, but it had damaged her ability to trust her instincts and intuition for a time. She had the appearance of strength in the aftermath, but it was really a fear of being vulnerable and a fierce determination not to be again. Reconciliation not being an option for her, they would eventually come to an agreeable parting for the benefit of the boys as divorced parents are often forced to do, and while it was not easy, they worked hard to maintain a good relationship in that regard, and the children grew up happy as a result.
Local TV personalities make more money than we sometimes think, especially in a top 30 market like Raleigh-Durham, and Frank acted responsibly in that regard, and child support and alimony were provided. Finances consequently were not the real issue for her in the wake of divorce, instead for the immediate future she would need the stability of a man emotionally supportive, and trustworthy …she found that in Glen Johnston.
Divorce, and the drama it had brought left her looking for answers, not uncommon, and in a characteristic effort to satisfy and understand some of the questions it had left her with, she went back to school part-time, not in pursuit of a degree, but as a matter of introspection and self-awareness. She didn’t trust it to someone else like a therapist to tell her the “why” or “what” of it all, she needed to discern those details for herself, and correct them.
More than a mere comely young divorcee, she was the quintessential M.I.L.F., and commanded all kinds of attention. Never acting out of