Writing with Stardust: The Ultimate Descriptive Guide for students, parents, teachers and writers Read Online Free Page A

Writing with Stardust: The Ultimate Descriptive Guide for students, parents, teachers and writers
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abominable snowman
clattering deer
dew-silver lake
necklace of snow
screaming eagle
iridescent rainbow
    1. Insect-like figures crawled far below us.
    2. The surface of the dew-silver lake glittered like brownie dust.
    3. A weeping waterfall poured from a gash in the mountain’s face.
    4. We were attacked by a screaming eagle, his talons outstretched like a drowning man’s fingers.
    5. An iridescent rainbow straddled the sky, anointing the world with its brilliance.
ice cold
arctic cold
Siberian cold
    1. The snow was freezing our feet.
    2. The Alaskan-cold wind was numbing our faces.
    3. The frigid wind was Siberian-cold and lashed us without mercy.
stewed mutton
chargrilled lamb
flash-fried beef
pot roast
bubbling broth
sizzling steak
    1. The scent of stewed mutton came drifting up to us.
    2. The welcoming aroma of a bubbling broth came to our noses.
    3. We smelled a sizzling steak being fried far below us and it was sublime.
    1. The pot roast was stellar.
    2. The chargrilled lamb was cosmic with the beans.
    3. We guzzled the flame-fried beef and it was otherworldly.
                                           LEVEL 1: BASIC SENTENCES
    1. The mountains were bone-white .  COLOUR
    2. A wall of snow came crashing down.  SOUND
    3. The mountains were crinkled at the top.  SHAPE
    4. They were sky-piercing . ACTION
    5. The foot of one mountain was covered in mist.  PATHETIC FALLACY
    6. The mountain peaks were like a row of arrow tips .  SIMILE
    7. We could see some deer clattering across a mountain.  OTHER IMAGES
    8. The air felt ice cold .  SENSATION
    9. We could smell stewed mutton coming from a camp.  SMELL
    10. We tasted some and it was astral .  TASTE
                                            LEVEL 2: A BASIC PARAGRAPH
    The mountains were vampire-white . A wave of white snow went rumbling down the sides. They were all crumpled at the base. They were sky-stabbing at the top. The legs of the mountains were very wide. The peaks of the mountains were like harpoon tips . They were shrouded in ghost-grey mist . The air was chilling and numbing . We could smell a pot roast being cooked. We tasted some and it was stellar .
                                            LEVEL 3: CREATIVE PARAGRAPHS
    The serrated mountains loomed in the distance. We made our way towards them as we had to make base camp by nightfall. They were flour-white and brooded over the land. Just as we approached, a chute of snow detached itself and went trundling down one of the mountains. It slid over the knotted edge and then went crashing into the chasm below. The silence that followed was spine chilling. It froze our marrow to think that we would be climbing in those conditions tomorrow.
    The heaven-touching apex of the mountain was drenched in brilliant light. Spikes of thin light impaled the snow in a bristling, moving line. We assumed that the heat had displaced the snow from the hip of the time chiselled mountain. All across our line of sight, the tips of the mountain range stuck up like a row of thorns. Swaddled around them were necklaces of powdery snow . The air became arctic cold as we came closer to base camp. The unmistakable whiff of chargrilled lamb wafted to our noses. Dinner that night was cosmic .
                                            LEVEL 4: ADVANCED PARAGRAPHS
    We looked up fearfully at the angel-white mountains. They looked ominous. As we watched in horror, a
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