ivory and her hair a vivid blue piled in a loose knot with one lone tendril creeping down to curl around her neck. Harken had to admit in that moment that he was smitten.
His fingers itched to follow that curl down her long, slim neck, but when she turned to look at him with white blue eyes, his gut flipped—or, it would have if he had constructed one today.
As she settled her robes completely, he stepped forward and extended his hand. “Guardsmen Harken of Balen Base, at your service.”
She smiled, and her skin glowed brightly as she placed her hand on his. “Kiiki Waythorp. Specialist in Training for the Balen Citadel.”
Energy wrapped around his arm and crept across his formed skin. His whole body felt alive and powerful when she retracted her hand.
Silence fell between them, and his new partner was not one to let it lie.
“Are you the one that has volunteered to be my partner?” Kiiki was still fighting nerves at being thoroughly examined.
The Guard had walked in casually, as if he owned the place, and his features were completely unremarkable. He was tall, strong and had no facial features that anyone could consider objectionable. His matte grey bodysuit occasionally fuzzed out a little, and it was obvious that it was being generated.
“Apparently. Are you done here?”
Kiiki looked to the physician. “Am I done?”
Dr. Leaka nodded. “We have all the scans. You are good to go. Thank you for coming, Kiiki. It was very illuminating.”
The doctor broke into giggles and Kiiki rolled her eyes. Sighing, she got to her feet and brushed at the unfamiliar robes. They were soft enough, but they flapped when she flew and threw her off balance.
She stood and waited for Harken to lead the way, but he offered her his arm instead.
Shrugging, she took his arm and smiled up at him. “Lead on.”
He began to take her through the facility. “Tell me if you are bored.”
“Oh no. Zenina-Balen did a marvellous job here. The spires of the posts in the larger, open areas are gorgeous as well as functional, as are the patterns created by the mix of stone.”
He blinked. “You are a fan of architecture? Have you studied it?”
“In a way. I had an interest in it before I was sent to the Dome, and I studied all the buildings of the ancients in the first two years I was there.”
Harken nodded. “I understand your skill is power generation.”
“It isn’t so much a skill as a biological function. Light comes in, power goes out.” She shrugged. “What is your skill?”
“It is an audio effect. I can make anyone listen to whatever I say for a finite period of time. The majority of my value rests in my ability to change my appearance.”
They walked down the tarmac. Three shuttles were sitting and waiting for duty.
Kiiki bit her lip and asked the question that was pressing on her thoughts. “Can you teach me to fly a shuttle?”
He blinked as if surprised by her question. “Of course. It is quite simple once you have the basics down.”
“I don’t even have those. Are you up for instructing a complete novice?”
He smiled, a non-descript smile for a non-descript man. Aside from the breadth of his shoulders, there really was nothing remarkable about him. “Everyone is a novice once.”
Her next question was blurted without thought. “Did you select your appearance for a reason, or is it a personal thing to ask?”
Harken was surprised into laughter. “It is personal, but I chose the appearance that would draw the least amount of notice when I am on assignment. It is easier for me to sneak up on my targets if they do not see me coming.”
“Oh.” She nodded.
“Your hair is a lovely blue. Is it common on Resicor?”
She giggled. “No, it is not common. My grandmother had blue hair when she was young, and mine changed from a brown similar to yours when my talent began to manifest.”
“What do you wish for your life?” Harken looked surprised at his own question.
“I don’t know.