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Worth the Chase
Book: Worth the Chase Read Online Free
Author: J. L. Beck
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Coming of Age, Genre Fiction, New Adult & College
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talked her down inside of my head, knowing that if I didn’t my obsession to lay claim to her would never stop.
    I spent the rest of the afternoon in my bedroom, lying in my covers that smelt just like her. It was disturbing for even me, but it would be the last time I would ever smell her upon my sheets.
    My mind lingered to the events from the night before even though I repeatedly told myself that I needed to forget them. I just couldn’t, they were embedded in my thoughts.
    I could see her chest moving up and down, shallow breaths filtering in and out. She was beautiful, magnificent in the simplest of ways. Her face was scrunched up, wrinkles formed on her brow. I had to stop myself from reaching out to rub them away. She shouldn’t be worried, not while dreaming, not while in my bed.
    “You don’t know how beautiful you truly are,” I whispered so quietly I almost didn’t hear myself speak.
    She stirred lightly, rolling over to face me. My heart was beating out of my chest as I stared at her, waiting for the moment that her eyes would open and she would know I had been watching her sleep.
    This was different for me. Everything about Gia was different for me. I never let them stay after sex, and I most definitely never lingered around long enough to watch them fall asleep. Yet here I was, forcing myself not to reach out and touch the contours of her face.
    The moonlight poured in through the window above us silhouetting her body against the bed. Looking at her I knew she was everything I needed in life, but the very last thing at the same time.
    A complete and utter contradiction.
    Gia caused a fire to stir in my chest, but with the same token made me want to burn her with that very fire. The feelings she caused in me I had never felt before, and that made her dangerous. No, it made her more than dangerous.
    It made her loveable.
    It made me capable of love.
    If those two things happened, there would be no coming back from it.
    Something drew me back to the present, call it my conscious or just the fact that I shouldn’t have been thinking about her. My eyes drifted over to the spot where she had laid just an hour ago, and I knew it was time to let what I had experienced go.
    Getting off the bed, I stripped it bare before reaching into my closet and pulling out a fresh set of sheets. I picked up the remnants of our night shared and headed toward the trash. These sheets couldn’t just be washed. Yea her scent would be gone, but every time I looked at them I would remember what happened and that just couldn’t happen.
    Gia wasn’t allowed under my skin anymore.
    Chase Winchester was back.

The days between Taylor coming and my time studying with Chance seemed to dwindle down. Two weeks had passed since my night of intense passion with Chase. I wanted to say that not every waking minute revolved around him because it didn’t, but I almost always thought about him. It didn’t help that everyone on campus seemed to chant his name.
    I had three days before Taylor got here, and we had less than two weeks to get moved into our new place before the fall semester begun. During all of this I needed to stay prepared for my Advanced Biology test I had been studying for all summer, so letting my mind drift to Chase wasn’t something I should allow, but rather something I couldn’t help.
    I wanted to be a Bio-Chemist and there was no time for fucking up. When I finished my junior year, I had decided to stay ahead of my other classmates by doing something they weren’t even thinking of. While everyone else went home for the summer, I found a tutor and stayed at school, going over my textbook and study guides all summer. This was my last year of college, everything was crucial if I wanted to succeed and be at the top of my class. I needed to not only be at the top but to stay on the top all year long if I wanted to have numerous internship offers after graduation while continuing my studies to receive a Ph. D in
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