“ Now you’re fantasizing about strangers. You really have lost your mind,” she reprimanded herself. A man like Bryce wouldn’t want her knowing what he already knew. Even if she could get over her fear of being touched, she was damaged, tainted. The scars she would wear from not shifting would warn men away. It was for the best. No use dreaming about the gorgeous Alpha. It was just hormones, a physical reaction that any female would have to his looks.
“There you are.” Julie rushed to the far window where her niece stood looking out into the darkness.
“I think I’ll go to bed , Aunt Julie. If you don’t mind?” Ashley said clutching the blanket tighter.
“ Oh no dear, of course I don’t mind. Things will be better tomorrow. You’ll see.”
Ashley just nodded. She didn’t think things would ever really be better , but there was no use telling her aunt that. Tomorrow she’d be better physically. Tomorrow she’d figure out where to go from here. The longer she stayed, the more danger the Reiner pack was in. She couldn’t have that on her conscience.
Bryce tried to concentrate on the paperwork that littered the Alpha desk. Who knew there was so much red tape being the leader of a pack? Requests for mating, declarations that a were had found his true mate, and requests to turn them.
Turning humans was serious business. A were claiming the mate fever didn’t always mean the human felt it. If they didn’t, then turning them would be a disaster. Of course, denying a were his or her true mate meant that the were would go feral. That never ended well. He would have to speak to the human, make sure they knew what they were getting into, before sanctioning the turn.
A soft knock at the door drew his attention.
“Come in,” he called as he covered the papers in front of him. No one was supposed to be in the pack house today, but if one of the weres had slipped through the guard’s defenses, he didn’t want them nosing into Alpha business.
“I thought you might need some help,” Julie smiled while eyeing the stacks of papers that now littered the office.
“I had no idea there were so many forms. Request forms, acquisition forms, I can’t keep them straight,” Bryce huffed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Drew can’t make heads or tails of it either. Here, let me,” she said starting to efficiently pile the forms into three neat stacks. “Your brothers arrived at the crack of dawn. Have you heard from Lexi?”
“I haven’t called her yet. How is Ashley this morning?”
“She seems the same. Although I wouldn’t know for sure. All she does is nod and try to smile when I speak to her.”
“She’s not talking again?”
“ No, she sits and stares at the fire in the great room. I wish I knew what to do to help.”
“So do I ,” Bryce muttered.
“Do you mean that? I mean, maybe she’d talk to you.”
“You want me to check on her?”
“ Yes, please. I can take care of this. Give me an hour,” she said gesturing to the paper work.
“ An hour? That’s days’ worth of work.”
“ Men... always making a mountain out of a mole hill. Go, I’ll take care of this. See if you can get her talking. It’s not healthy to have her keep it all inside.”
“I’ll try Julie . Thanks for the help.”
“ It’s no bother really.”
Ashley sat closer to the fire. It was dying down, making the chill fill her again. She felt empty. The warmth was the only thing that seemed to soothe the dark void that threatened to consume her. She didn’t sleep well the night before. She doubted she’d ever sleep well again. The images of Richard, his evil sneer, looming above her had awakened her causing her to scream until she realized where she was. He was dead, and, for the moment, she was safe.
Reaching down for another log , the blanket she had wrapped herself in slipped from her shoulders. She hesitated to pull it back. It might catch on fire if she got too close.