quintessence of my manly vigour, but she told me she always slept in the afternoon, was hungry herself, and wanted my force to be expended between her lovely thighs that night for the solace of her liveliest of cunts!
Whilst the khansama was laying the table, I saw a note addressed to me leaning against the wall, on the mantelpiece (for in northern India the winters are sharp enough to render a fire not only pleasant but sometimes quite necessary), and taking it and opening it, wondering who the writer could be as I was perfectly unknown in this part of the world, I found it to be from my young officer friend who had quit Nowshera that morning. It ran thus:
DEAR DEVEREAUX - In the room next to yours is one of the loveliest of women and best of pokes! Verbum sap.!
Yours, J. C.
PS - Don't offer her any rupees or you will offend her mortally, but if you are inclined to have her, and I think you will be on seeing her, just tell her so and you won't have to ask twice.
Ah! Dear young chap, now I understand why you were so reticent this morning and did not like to tell me that I had a lady for my nextdoor neighbour! Well! Poor girl! I am afraid that you must be put down as one of the 'irregulars', although it is a shame to think ill of one who has given me the first few hours of real delight since I left home!
These thoughts naturally brought my beloved little wife into my recollection and I was somewhat staggered to feel I should so completely have forgotten her and my marital vows! But I was altogether too full of desire. Desire only just whetted and crying for more! More! I was in fact half mad with what some call lust and others love and, wife or no wife, nothing short of death would, or should, prevent my fucking that heavenly girl again and again until I really could not raise a stand. I longed for evening. I burnt for night. I ate my tiffin like a ravenous tiger, hungry for food, but thirsting for the sweet savour of the blood of a victim I knew to be within easy reach. Tiffin put away, I lit a cheroot, and began wandering round and round my room, glancing impatiently at the door which closed the communication between it and that of my supposedly now sleeping Venus, and like a Wellington I wished and prayed - not for night and Blucher but for night and her awakening! Suddenly it struck me as very funny that were some catastrophe to separate this girl and me, neither of us would be able to say who the other was! We had not exchanged names. My young friend the officer who signed his initials J. C. had not told me. I did not even know his name though he knew mine, probably from seeing it painted on my baggage. Of a surety, this lovely Venus must have a history, and I resolved to try and get her to give me her version of it, from which no doubt I could make out what was true and what was invention - for that she would tell me the exact truth I hardly expected. Oh! when would she awake?
Should I go and peep and see? By Jupiter, I would -
Throwing away the fresh cheroot I had lighted, I crept, in my stockinged feet, to her chick, and pulled it slightly open, and there on the bed, fast asleep, I saw my lovely enslaver. She had simply put on a petticoat and was lying on her back with her hands clasped under her shapely head, her arms bent in a charming position, opened out, showing the little growth of hair under the armpit, hair the same in tint, but not so rich in colour, as that magnificent bush I had moistened so liberally, aided by her own offerings, this morning; her bosom, with its two priceless breasts, so beautifully placed, so round, polished and firm, indeed her entire body down to her slender waist, was altogether nude! One knee, that next to me, was bent, the small graceful foot planted on the bedclothes, each gem of a toe straight and separated from its neighbour in a way that would have charmed the most fastidious sculptor that ever lived, whilst the other leg, bare from the groin downwards, was extended