to travel to Prague to visit a potential new account, he packed himself up and sent her an email knowing damn good and well it wouldn't fly.
Short notice trip. Prague. See you in a week or so.
He held out for three miserable days before calling. Although Grace was nonchalant, he knew her well enough by now to know she was holding her temper.
"Ryan, what happened to my credit card balance?"
Sitting in an ornate, old world hotel in need of a serious face-lift nearly three thousand miles from her, Ryan could picture her pacing the floor as she spoke. He ran a hand through his hair and confessed.
"I paid it."
"Because," He stopped. What was her problem? Any other woman on the planet would appreciate him erasing nearly ten thousand dollars worth of debt with the click of a button. "I told you I wanted to help and…"
"How did you even know about it?" Her voice was calm but Ryan knew better.
"Your laptop was open a few days ago, and it was on the screen and I, well, I just paid it alright? Jesus."
"I wish you hadn’t done that."
"In my defense, I told you debt wasn’t good for your credit score."
"You know what Ryan, just stop right there. This isn’t about my credit score or the damn balance. It’s about you trying to run my life."
"No, it isn't. I just want to help. It’s what I want to do for you, Grace. Why won’t you let me?"
"Helping me and doing things I can do for myself are two different things. Besides, you have no business on my computer."
"Look, I’ll be back in a few days." Ryan remembered his next words distinctly. "Maybe we just need some time apart. I need some perspective."
"Fine. Goodbye, Ryan."
The hotel concierge found a Verizon dealer for Ryan the next day so he could replace the phone he’d smashed against the wall.
When he made it back to his condo, apologies on his lips, she was gone. Every trace of her. The messy bathroom clutter, her protein drink mix in the fridge. All of it was gone and Ryan fell into a funk at the thought that she was out of his life. But, after a couple of bourbon’s worth of reflection he pulled open the desk drawer where he’d stashed a small blue box before he left. The dazzle on the emerald and diamond ring hit him right in the optic nerve, too. He loved her and he was going to prove it.
No more fucking around.
Ryan called her agent, found out she was holed up in New York, with that tool of an editor who had a nasty little-boy crush on her, and dashed back to the airport in a matter of half an hour.
"Hey," he answered back, his mind full of his wife’s beautiful eyes, her laugh, her body under his hands. He shook the bad memories of his near miss with her away. "Guess what; thinking about you just now made me hard."
"Maybe. But all yours."
"I have a guess what, too..."
"That right?"
"Alice's pregnant."
Ryan’s throat constricted. Alice was Grace’s younger sister, married about three years. The two girls were as thick as thieves. Luckily, Ryan folded right into the tight knit group of Grace, her sister, Trevor, Alice’s attorney spouse, and their dad, Joe. Alice was a darker version of her older sister and had a smart mouth but Ryan liked her.
"Is that good?"
It took a while to get an answer and Ryan rubbed his eyes, unable to sort through how this conversation could possibly end well.
"It's what they wanted."
"Good for them then."
"Ok, well, I just thought I’d tell you. Have a great time."
"Wait! How did it go today? How were Matt and Katie?"
"It was nerve wracking and I’m glad it’s over."
"I’m pretty sure I set the DVR to record it but you never know with those damn things."
"Yeah, well, let’s talk later, k? I have to go down and meet some reporters before dinner."
"I love you, Grace."
"I know."
He'd have given a million of his dollars to be with her right now but instead he clicked the laptop shut, tucked it into his bag