and Dad do things.”
“Sunny belongs at home taking care of herself. Mom stayed home and took care of us. Why isn’t that good enough for her?”
“The why of it doesn’t matter. It’s her choice. We made a pact early on. You can’t blow Sunny off. You’re gonna do it, aren’t you? I refuse to be a party to anything that hurts one of us. What the hell happened to you, Birch? For months now we’ve been at opposite ends of the spectrum. I miss the old Birch, my buddy and my pal. Where’d he go?”
“Get your ass in here and stop telling the world our business. What about Dad?”
“Ah, the emperor’s son has spoken. The queen’s son is speaking now, the son who is his own man, and he says, fuck you, Birch.” In a dramatic gesture, Sage threw his hands high in the air. “Jesus, do you have any idea of how good I feel right now? Because I’m in such a good mood, I’m going to give you some advice for free. Forget those riverboats, they’re going to sink to the bottom of the Mississippi River. Give some thought to buying a gondola. Isn’t that what emperors ride around in or sail in ... ? Whatever. See you around.”
“Sage, wait. We need to talk. Sage, get in here. What the hell is bugging you? Come on, we can talk this through and make it work.”
“Sorry, Birch, not this time.”
The sound of the door closing behind his brother sounded ominous, final. Birch cried then for what he’d allowed himself to become: the emperor’s son.
Fanny waved good-bye to her children, then frowned as she watched Sage and Billie link arms with Sunny. She turned to Bess. “I’m worried.”
“I know. Why don’t we take a walk, just you and me, Fanny? Remember the old days when we traipsed around this town? Two young girls who never in their wildest dreams thought they would be where they are right now.”
“I had such dreams back then. I thought I had a marriage made in heaven. Hell would be more like it. I tell myself there must have been some good years. If there were, why can’t I remember them?”
“It’s over. You can’t look back. You told me that a thousand times or more.”
“That’s because Sallie always said it to me. I miss her so much, Bess. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think about her. She was my best friend. The mother I never had. I try to do things the way I think she would want me to do them, but I’m never sure I’m succeeding.”
“Maybe you need to stop doing that and do what you think is best. Sallie isn’t here anymore. She trusted you. That means she trusted your judgment. Lay her to rest and live your own life. It’s time for you to crawl out from under her shadow.”
“Oh, Bess, it sounds so simple. I can’t turn it off. I envy you and your nice normal family. You and John were meant for each other. Doctor and Mrs. Bess Noble. I love the way that sounds. You and John got the brass ring, my friend.”
“We’ve had our ups and downs, Fanny. Every married couple does at one time or another.”
“You came out stronger, though. We’re to the half century mark, Bess. Actually, we’re past the mark. I’m divorced. My family is divided. No one is happy Sunny’s ill, I feel it in my bones. My eyes see things I don’t want to recognize. Yes, my businesses are successful. Yes, I provide jobs for a lot of people, including my children. When is it my time in the sun, Bess?”
“Whenever you decide to make a commitment to Simon. You could get married tomorrow at a Las Vegas wedding chapel if you wanted to. You could do it the minute you pick up Simon. It’s a choice, Fanny. You have to get rid of all that guilt you’re carrying around. So what if Simon is Ash’s brother. So what, Fanny! You’re divorced for God’s sake. Ash no longer has a hold on you. His accident wasn’t your fault. Let it die already There was such exasperation in Bess’s voice that Fanny laughed aloud.
“I think you care more than I do.”
“That’s a bald-faced lie if I ever