Uninvolved Read Online Free Page A

Book: Uninvolved Read Online Free
Author: Carey Heywood
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Dave came into the kitchen.
    "Want any?" she asked , turning to him.
    "Sure , " Dave said , moving past her to grab another C oke . He tugged on her ponytail as he walked around the breakfast bar , pulling out a stool.
    "Hey , " Becka huffed , tightening her ponytail . "Be good or I'll lick your chips . "
    "You can lick my chips anytime , Becks , " Dave teased.
    "Ew , gross , " Becka groaned as she pushed his plate towards him.
    She poured herself a glass of cranberry juice and ate her nachos while leaning on the kitchen counter . Once Dave was done , she took both of their plates, rinsed them, and put them in the dishwasher . She had taken over dish duty after Dave flooded their kitchen with bubbles , mistakenly using liquid dish soap in the machine . It had happened over a year ago, wh ile she was at work , and Dave had spent all day trying to clean up the mess , still mopping up suds when she got home.
    "I’m going to go hop in the shower . "
    "About time ‘ cause , man , you reek , Bec k s , " Dave said as he slumped onto the sofa.
    Becka stuck her tongue out at him as she went to her room.
    Before getting in the shower , Becka called Lilly to let her know how things had gone with Nate .
    "He has a girlfriend? I'm sorry , sweetie . That sucks , " Lilly consoled her.
    "It was so awkward , " Becka groaned.
    "Don’t even think about it . Just have a fun night out with the girls . I need to live vicariously through you , so make me proud."
    "You are the bestest cheerer upper ever"
    Her friends were going to come over to have a drink or two before they headed out . Becka was in a robe eyeballing her closet when Crystal arrived.
    "You aren't even dressed yet , " Crystal exclaimed , walking into her room.
    "You're early , " Becka grumbled . "I don’t know what to wear".
    Crystal almost always wore dresses , and tonight was no different . She wore a maroon , one - shouldered , Grecian - styled frock that was scandalously short.
    "How can you sit down in that?" Becka asked curiously , motioning for Cr ystal to spin so she could see the back.
    "Very carefully . Plus, you've got my back , so you'll let me know if I'm showing my ass . " Crystal laughed.
    Becka laughed, remembering the picture from last weekend of Crystal ’s ass in the air, being carried to Lucy's. Crystal wore dresses, mainly short ones , all the time . Crystal's mother was originally from Colombia , while her dad was a very pale Brit . She had luckily inherited her caramel - kissed skin tone from her mom , so dresses played off her awesome legs that always looked tanned .
    "So did Dave let you in?" Becka asked.
    Crystal nodded , blushing . She had a soft spot for Dave but was trying to not like him anymore . She had spent the night a couple months back , and they had made out, but Dave wasn't much for pursuing girls , so nothing had happened with them after that . Crystal was also aware he had no qualms about sleeping with almost any willing girl.
    "Is he coming with us tonight or working?" Crystal asked nonchalantly.
    "Nope . He’s gotta work . So, what should I wear?" Becka pleaded.
    After some deliberation , Becka went with a floral printed dress with a wid e brown belt and some cowboy boo ts and was almost ready by the time Lucy arrived . Crystal was curling Becka 's hair when Lucy walked into her bathroom with beers . Lucy was wearing a pair of teeny black shorts and a sequined white tank . Her short blonde hair was styled straight in an angled bob , ending just below her chin.
    "Beer?" Lucy offered , carrying a six - pack.
    "Sure, and , guys , please no shots tonight. I was so sick last weekend , " Crystal said , reaching for a beer.
    "Yes , you were!" Lucy grumbled.
    "Are those Dave's?" Becka laughed , seeing the brand.
    "Maybe , " was all Lucy would say.
    Lucy had made out with Dave after a party more than a year ago . Afterward , he promptly passed out and never really talked to her again. Lucy was not expecting to get ignored the next day. Dave was a
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