training it.
“Well, frankly, I don’t really give a shit what Mom thinks,” I tell him. She burnt her bridges with me long ago. It’s just me and Dad now.
He grows cross in an instant. His tone is deep and disapproving. “Penelope.”
“What, Dad? Come on, we don’t get along. Heck, even you couldn’t bear to be with her. And after what she did to you? I can’t—”
“She’s still your mother, and I don’t want you using that language at the table.”
“Yeah, well I chose you . And sorry for swearing.”
He can’t help but smile. “You know, I always thought it was fathers and sons that had troubled relationships. Not mothers and daughters.”
“Shows how much you know.”
“Evelyn and her daughter have a good relationship.”
“Not everybody is the same, Dad. Besides, did Evelyn break her daughter’s father’s heart?”
He frowns. “You shouldn’t hold on to that, darling. It’s not healthy. I’m past it, and I don’t blame your mother, either.”
“Any time you cheat, you deserve to be blamed.”
“It’s not always that simple.”
I fold my arms. “I know, I know, you grow distant, the passion fades, whatever. You still don’t do it. You either sit down and talk like responsible adults, or you break it off. It may be black and white, but that’s how I see it.”
He sucks on his upper lip for a moment. “Just, consider not throwing away your relationship with your mother, okay? You’ll regret it when you’re older.”
“Fine,” I say. “I’ll consider it. So, will you give me your blessing? To go to Melbourne?”
He sighs. “I guess it’s not like I can stop you, huh? You always did do your own thing.”
“No, you can’t stop me. This is my dream , Dad. I’ve got the money grandpa left me, and I can afford to buy the ticket. I’ve already got my interview set up, my appointment to get my visiting tattoo artist apprentice license, and a meeting set up for my visa.”
“I see that you’ve planned it all without me.”
I frown. “Dad, you were the one who told me to give this serious thought, and to get the legwork done. I’ve done my due diligence. This is not some wishy-washy idea. I’m serious.”
“Forgive me for not being overly thrilled.”
“Hey, all the other kids who just graduated are all going to Hawaii or Mexico to get drunk, do drugs, and have sex. I’m going to Melbourne to start my career . As an artist .”
“Okay, fine, I’ll concede that point,” he says. “Penelope, I admire your ambition, I really do. But why don’t you try it out here first? In Chicago?”
“It’s Tina Azume , and she’s looking for an apprentice!”
“I really don’t know who that is.”
“Only one of the most famous tattoo artists in the world! She’s got this amazing style, and she’s extremely humble. She’s not super exclusive or a snob or anything. She’s really cool, Dad. She’s, like, a role model. I’ve got posters of her work up in my room.”
“Those? They just look like normal tattoos.”
“And the Mona Lisa just looks like a normal painting.”
He pushes up his lower lip with a finger. “Okay, but I don’t like the Mona Lisa, anyway.”
“But you see where I’m coming from, right? I’ve already made up my mind.”
“You’re only nineteen.”
“And that makes me an adult.”
“I’d be an irresponsible father if I just let you waltz off for God knows how long.”
“Would it be any different than if I was going to Australia for college?” I ask.
“Yes,” he says. “You’d be getting an education. There would be responsible adults around you. You would be in an academic community focused on learning, self-betterment.”
“I will still be getting an education,” I cry, throwing my arms up, exasperated. “I’ll apprentice and learn more about body art and techniques. And as for your slight on the community, tattoo artists and people that get tattoos are just as human as anybody else, and believe it or not,