in thought.
It was clear she needed help. A teacher of some sort. But whom could she ask for assistance? Her sisters?
Henrietta mulled that over for a bit, then decided against the idea. She might have four elder sisters, all married, but her kin were too prim and proper to offer advice on tempting a mate. And her dearest chum had just reconciled and run off with her beau, so she couldn’t ask Mirabelle for counsel. So where could Henrietta go to learn the art of seduction?There wasn’t a school out there for aspiring flirts. What was she to do?
“Drat!” she muttered.
Lips twisted in consternation, she pondered her next move.
Just then a bright star sallied across the midnight sky…and it must have dropped an idea into Henrietta’s head, for she gasped then, a wicked thought coming to mind.
“The weekly gossip papers!” she whispered. “That’s it!”
She remembered the infamous story now; she had read all about it over morning tea.
Filled with hope, Henrietta took in a deep and satisfied breath. “I’m going to show you scandalous , Sebastian.”
Chapter 3
“I ’ll not hear another word, Jenny!”
The distraught maid slumped against the cushioned squab with a whimper.
Henrietta returned her attention to the moonlit landscape, tamping her own misgivings into submission.
She had done everything to preserve her reputation: brought along a chaperone, hired a hack to transport her to the city’s boundaries. She had even dressed in plain, unsightly garb and sported a hooded mantle to conceal her identity.
What could possibly go wrong?
Wringing her fingers in her lap, Henrietta tried to convince herself this really was the best—the only—choice she had. If she even uttered the word “husband,” Sebastian blanched. If she tried to touch him, he recoiled. If she bared her bosom, he rebuked her for it. One would think the man had no regard for her.
But Henrietta knew that wasn’t true. She thoughtback to a time, about four years ago, when the whole family had gathered in the country for a christening. One of Henrietta’s nieces was to be baptized, and Henrietta was late for the ceremony. Rushing to get to the foyer and join the rest of the waiting family, she had knocked over her mother’s most cherished vase: a gift from Grandmama. Henrietta was sure to get the strap from Mama—Papa never disciplined her—but then Ravenswood had come along and accepted the blame for the mishap, saving her hide.
Henrietta sighed at the fond memory. The viscount cared for her, she was sure. He was just too stubborn to admit it.
But Henrietta had to get him to confess his true feelings. And after last night’s disastrous masquerade ball, it was apparent a more drastic measure was needed to grab the willful viscount’s attention.
Her heart cramped at the dreadful recollection. In the wee hours of the morning, after every guest had gone, a thoroughly fagged Henrietta had set off to bed, when Sebastian had made a ghastly announcement:
“I’m off, Miss Ashby.”
“Yes, good night Sebastian,” she’d murmured, yawned, and mounted the steps.
“See you at Christmas.”
She’d whirled around. “What do you mean, Christmas?”
“Well, I’ve decided to go on a trip, Miss Ashby.”
She’d tried to keep the panic out of her voice, but had failed miserably. “Where?”
“Truthfully, I’ve no idea. But I’ll be gone a few months, so take care, sister.”
And with that, he’d made a curt bow and sauntered away, leaving a perplexed Henrietta atop the steps, mouth agape.
It was then she’d realized, however scandalous her intentions, she had to go through with her plan. Soon Sebastian would see her but once a year. And then not a’tall. Soon he would be lost to her forever.
Henrietta bunched the fabric of her skirt between her fingers. So absorbed with her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the bend in the road. But the stately dwelling that soon appeared did capture her attention, and she