masses of ordinary people who have always come to the Witch in times of need—and usually only in the dead of night. Some things never change.
Spirits in the Modern Age: Today's Witches
The tides of ancient magic still flow in the world and the spirits of the dead await those brave enough to call them up and seek their wisdom. Modern Witches, while rare, dance upon the edges of a society caught between the obsessed extremes of religious fervor and soulless science. But we have not been idle. Still weaving wonders and spinning miracles, the Witch remains both feared and respected, shunned in the bright light of day, sought under the secrecy of night.
It's time to sweep the dust off the old spell books, merging ancient wisdom with modern science to give Witches a place in today's bustling society. Witches see between the concrete cracks of reality, ever seeking to pick the hidden bones of truth that can take us deeper into the foundations of magic. Today's Witches still listen for the whispers of the dead, as they always have. They are not afraid of facing death's embrace or of studying the necromantic wisdom that resides in old graveyards, crumbling churches, and the sepulchers of yesteryear.
In Salem, Massachusetts, you will find a strange brew of Witchcraft and occultism that brings the world of the supernatural to a city infamous for once having accused its residents of being Witches and sending them to the gallows. In a strange, ironic twist, Salem has become a Mecca of modern Witchcraft, with tourists visiting from around the world to learn about our practices, have spells cast, and have readings performed.
These visitors often come to us seeking psychic consultations about the important events in their lives and hoping to make contact with souls and loved ones who have crossed over. Law enforcement agencies near and far contact us in hopes that we may help them crack tough cases. As Witches, we are able to go within the spirit realms to ask the dead directly for the information we need.
At Halloween, the ancient holiday of the dead, the Witches of Salem host an annual Festival of the Dead to celebrate the spirits and to invite them to join our city's guests in exploring death's macabre customs, heretical histories, and strange rituals. The Festival draws the curious from around the globe, seeking to confront their own mortality and embrace the dance of the dead.
In my work as a modern Witch, I am not far removed from the Witch of Endor in my daily life, though thousands of years have passed since she conjured up the spirit of Samuel. I live the arts of Witchcraft in my every thought and deed, and conjure the dead to assist me in virtually all that I do
Opening the Doorway
Those who fear the study and use of supernatural powers often warn that exploring this path will open doorways to worlds best not explored. This fear-mongering has especially been used by authorities seeking to keep the masses from increasing their own personal power. While this view of danger lurking behind every closet door and under every bed is naïve to the true nature of the hidden realms of existence, the metaphor of the doorway is quite accurate. To work with the shades of the dead, the student must approach the spirit world with an open mind and be ready to experience levels of awareness that can unlock the hidden doorways of the soul.
Trafficking with the spirits of the dead offers us the ability to extend our intuitive senses and increase our magical power. When we welcome the dead to play a part in our supernatural workings, our visions become their aspirations and our wishes become their commands. The dead can be summoned to perform such tasks as helping you to seduce the object of your affection, influencing the minds of others, reaching into the dreams of theunwary, and spying on people. According to some legends, the dead knew where lost treasures where buried. Not much has changed. The spirits can still discover hidden