way, but we have to go now. I’m afraid it was coming to this anyway, but letting you go has sped up Her appetite.”
“Now!?” Miaka exclaimed. “But I don’t even know what to do. I don’t… I don’t know…”
“All you have to do is follow. It’s a very easy task; it’s all already inside you.” Marilyn’s words startled Miaka who grabbed her stomach to see if she could feel this unknown thing that existed in her body. Actually, if there was a thing inside, I suspected it would be closer to our lungs.
“We’re going to the South Indian Ocean. It’s almost Antarctic. You’re young, so you may feel the cold a little bit, but it can’t hurt you. Nothing can. Just follow our lead.” With that, Marilyn walked towards the Sea, leaving Miaka and I behind. Aisling was already waist deep in the water waiting for us.
“Could we hurry this up?” she whined at us, the only one eager to go do this horrific job.
I held Miaka’s shoulders in my hands at arm’s length, suddenly full of authority. “Stay close. The Ocean will take us where we need to go. You don’t even have to think. When we get there, don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself. When She tells you to, open your mouth. If you can’t hear Her, don’t worry. I’ll be right beside you. The song will just come. Don’t stop until it’s over. Do you understand?”
She nodded, looking at me with a mix of terror and trust.
It was surreal to be explaining to another person how to save her own life by taking those of others. During the quiet days in the warmth of South America, it was almost possible to forget what I was. But now, with the task so imminent, I hated myself. And I pitied Miaka. I had been taken in the middle of one of the Ocean’s feedings, so it had been a while before She needed me. I had some time to adjust. No such thing for Miaka. Still, when it was over, Marilyn and I could comfort her, and she wouldn’t have to think about it for a long time. Becoming an older sister made me quietly surer of myself. I could be anything Miaka needed.
We walked towards the water. My feet were in the tide, but Miaka had paused a few paces shy. Her face looked terrified, and her chest was heaving shallow breaths. She was afraid of the Ocean. She couldn’t swim, and she had just drowned. These were small worries in comparison to what was coming, but she couldn’t know that.
“Don’t be afraid of the water. The Ocean is your ally now. She’s not going to hurt you.”
Miaka stayed frozen.
“Miaka, trust me. I’m going to take care of you. Come into the water.”
Hesitantly, she edged her way into the sluggish surf. In the distance, Aisling and Marilyn submerged themselves fully, and I heard Miaka’s little gasp.
“See. They’re safe. And you will be, too.” Gently pulling, Miaka’s hand stayed in mine as we sank into the Ocean. She actually held her breath. I didn’t mean to, but a laugh escaped.
Miaka squealed a little as we started to move, but calmed each time I squeezed her hand. She grabbed fleetingly after her clothes as they tore away. They were nothing special; in fact, they were practically rags. But it’s still frightening to be naked in front of three strange women. Of course, as the gown that matched ours formed slowly and perfectly on her body, she was immediately in awe of herself. I saw the look in her eyes as we were jettisoned forward. She was enchanting. Her hair whipped around wildly, and she looked mysteriously elegant. She smiled, completely unaware of what she was about to do. I didn’t want to ruin that joy; the Ocean could do that. I didn’t want to have a part in it.
But I was a part of Her. I felt it. As we swam, I could feel the stabs of the Ocean’s hunger pangs. It was like a longing in our own stomachs, the only time I felt hungry. Miaka actually clutched her abdomen, feeling the strange desire. It must have been difficult for the Ocean to pass up Miaka. The one small girl wouldn’t