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The Perfect Christmas
Book: The Perfect Christmas Read Online Free
Author: Debbie Macomber
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Azizex666
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on her hip.
    Shawn chuckled. “I’m staying as far away from that question as I can. What did the matchmaker say? If he rejected Angie, then what about you?”
    That was the thirty-thousand-dollar question. “I don’t know if Simon will accept me as a client or not. He said he’d phone, but…” The rest of her sentence was drowned out by loud rap music coming from the condo to the right of hers.
    “Good grief, what’s that?” Shawn covered his ears.
    “My new neighbor,” Cassie shouted back. She walked over to the kitchen wall and banged hard three times. Within half a minute, the music had been turned down to a more respectable volume.
    “Jalapeño?” she asked next, hardly missing a beat.
    “Might as well. My life could do with a bit of spicing up.”
    “Mine, too.”
    “So tell me more about this matchmaker. Do you like him?”
    Cassie began tearing lettuce industriously. “The truth is, I don’t. He’s arrogant, snooty and definitely not my type. I’m not his, either. Not that it matters… But he doesn’t like to be questioned or challenged. I could tell I irritated him.”
    “You heard he’s successful, though, right?”
    “Yeah.” Until that moment, Cassie hadn’t realized how much she hoped Simon would agree to work with her. “I don’t know if he’s ready for someone like me.”
    “What do you mean?”
    She waved a lettuce leaf in his direction. “Like I said, I questioned his actions and his decisions. He didn’t like it.”
    “I wonder why he rejected Angie,” Shawn mused. “I mean, she’s not annoying or—”
    “Hey, stop right there.”
    Shawn laughed and leaned his elbows on the counter where he sat. “Who’s that picture of on the fridge?” he asked.
    Although she didn’t need to turn and look, Cassiedid. She tensed slightly as she stared at the photograph of Jill and Tom and their perfect Christmas. “That, brother dearest, is my inspiration.”

Chapter 3
    A few minutes later, Cassie reached for her phone on impulse and dialed Angie’s number.
    “Hello? Oh, Cassie, I was hoping you’d call. How’d the appointment go?”
    “Do you like taco salad?” Cassie asked rather than answering.
    “Is there any food group I don’t like?” Her friend had a smile in her voice.
    “Silly question. Come join us.”
    “Yes, Shawn stopped by. I’m making a taco salad and if you have fresh tomatoes bring one. If not, we’ll do without.”
    “Shawn’s there? Your brother?”
    “That’s what I just said. Are you coming or not?”
    “I’m on my way, and I’ve got a tomato,” Angie said,“but when I get there, I want details about the meeting with Dr. Dodson.”
    Shawn grabbed an orange from her fruit bowl and tossed it in the air, juggling it with an apple and doing a poor job. The orange hit the floor and rolled into the living room. “I’m glad you invited Angie. How’s she doing?”
    “You know Angie. She’s always in a good mood.”
    Her brother retrieved the orange. “Well…it’ll be nice to see her again.”
    Cassie nodded absently as she began to sauté the ground beef.
    By the time Angie arrived, Cassie had the hamburger with taco sauce simmering together. The salad fixings were in a large bowl, awaiting Angie’s tomato. Shawn was grating the cheese.
    Angie brightened the moment she walked into the room. “Shawn, it’s great to see you.”
    “You, too.” He set the cheese down long enough to give her a brief hug. Cassie always forgot how tiny her friend was until Angie stood next to her brother, who was well over six feet.
    While Cassie got out the bag of tortilla chips and assembled the rest of the salad, Angie set the table and Shawn filled their water glasses. “Sorry I don’t have any sangria,” Cassie said as she carried the large wooden bowl to the table. Smaller bowls of meat, cheese and chips followed.
    “This looks wonderful,” Angie told her.
    “Allow me.” Shawn pulled out Angie’s chair. Thenhe hurried around to the
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