“ I didn ’ t do anything to you. ”
“ I was ready to kill you, and now I am so calm that I am sleepy. You had to do something to me. ”
“ I have heard of that, you got yourself so angry at me that your rage actually burned itself out. I studied that in Psychology last year in high school. You should try the granola it tastes pretty good. ”
Lela watched as Nathan put some in his mouth and swallowed it after chewing. Lela watched for signs of poison, when none appeared she tried a little of the snack.
“ What did you call this again Nate? ”
“ Granola, it ’ s a snack where I am from. ”
Lela thought about it for a few more minutes, it might do her some good to learn more about this strange human in case any more should appear. The thought of a group of humans like Nate showing up sent a chill down her spine.
“ Where are you from Nate? ”
“ I live with my mom, dad, and baby sister Maddy. Where I am from is a little town called Milton, it is in the state of North Carolina. ”
Lela was trying to make sense of what he was saying, a town she gathered was like a village, but what was a state?
“ What did I say that you don ’ t understand Lela? ”
“ What is a state? Why is it important that you know that you live in the North part of Carolina, and what is it North of? ”
“ A state is a marked off territory that is governed by laws that pertain to that state, and it is North Carolina, both words are the name of the state. ”
“ So there are more states where you are from? ” Lela asked.
“ Yes, there are fifty states in the United States of America. ”
Fifty! Fifty sets of different laws that had to be known! How did these people even travel from one place to another? The little bit Nathan told her made Lela ’ s mind swim. How in all the forest could the humans divide the land in so many different ways and have separate laws in each?
“ How in the world can you humans keep up with all the laws in your world? ”
“ It sounds more complicated than it is. Most states have similar laws that helps take the confusion out of everything, and federal law out ranks state law usually. ”
“ There are more laws! How does anything ever get decided on? ” Lela asked.
“ It takes years in the courts to get anything done unless it is a serious crime, then it might take only a year or so for a case to be heard. ”
“ A whole year! ” She exclaimed. They waited a whole year for a serious case to be heard! Her father settled disputes in just a few moments of hearing a dispute.
“ What kind of world do you come from Nathan? ”
“ What do you mean Lela? ”
“ It sounds so confusing. ”
“ I guess it does, so what about this place? ” Nathan said as he looked around at their surroundings.
“ It is not as confusing as your world, it is quite simple, humans stay out of our forest, and we stay out of their villages. To cross over either boundary is to seal one ’ s fate. ”
“ What about you Lela, you said you are a Princess. You don ’ t look like a Princess to me, you look more like a solider. Is this how all princesses look here? ”
With a shy look and what appeared to be a little red creeping into her cheeks Lela shook her head no.
“ So what about you Lela? ”
“ I said …”
“ If I am to meet your father I want to know what situation I am getting into, please Lela. ”
“ Fine, I am Lela Albright; I am a scout for King Mordenar Frostlight, who is my father. What else do you need to know? ”
“ Why are you a scout? What king is okay with his daughter being in the army? ”
“ I never said the king was happy with me being a scout. ”
“ So why do it? ”
“ Why does it matter so much to you Nate? ”
“ I want to know about you, Lela, that ’ s all. ”
With a nervousness that appeared out of nowhere, Lela began trying to figure out how much she should tell the human. With a sigh Lela decided on what was common knowledge.
“ I