stable. The stable master was surprised to see him.
“Just a little misunderstanding. Everything is cleared up now.” Braden nodded reassuringly and smiled at the man. “What kind of deal can we work where I get two horses? The wagon and water buffalo are a given, but what else will it take?” Braden rolled the vial between his fingers. The stable master looked at it hungrily, licking his lips. He stroked his short beard.
“If you had another one of those,” he said nodding suggestively at the vial. “I think we can seal the deal.”
“Consider it the trade done. Saddle them up. I’ll be right back with the second vial.” Braden forced the man to shake his hand. Braden started walking away, stopped, then looked at G-War. The ‘cat took a few steps toward the stable master, then sat down and stared at him with his unblinking ‘cat gaze. Braden hurried outside and shooed the people away from the wagon, telling them that security was on its way and they’d want to talk with everyone there. That hastened their departure. That also told Braden that he wasn’t the only one who suffered from security’s power grab. He wondered if there had been a coup.
He systematically, yet quickly took everything of value, rolling it all up into a blanket, then rolled that into a second blanket. With his Rico Bow and quiver of arrows across his back, he tried to throw his worldly possessions over his shoulder. It was too heavy. The life of a trader with a wagon wasn’t lived lightly.
He ended up dragging his blanket rolls to the stable. His time had to be getting short. He figured that he wasn’t the only target of Cameron’s new security office, so the average person probably wouldn’t turn him in, but there were two dead men on the ground in the square.
He also figured the stable master was in cahoots with security, judging by the surprise on his face when Braden showed up. And fear. He didn’t expect Braden to have another vial of saffrimander. The trade was always sacrosanct. When he agreed, they shook hands and sealed the deal.
The stable master prepared two horses as per their agreement. The ‘cat was stalking along an overhead beam, staying above the stable master. He glance furtively over his shoulder, confirming that he was always only a second away from getting slashed.
“Call your Hellcat off. I’ve done as you wished.” The stable master demanded in an angry voice, laced with bits of fear.
“Two points, my good man. First, he’s not mine. It doesn’t work that way. And second, we made a deal. It isn’t as I wished, but as we agreed. You are only fulfilling your part of our bargain. I will not be maligned – this was a Fair Trade and as such, is protected.” Braden handed the stable master a second vial of saffrimander. The trade was concluded.
“Now, if you’ll help me put my blanket on my pack horse, I would greatly appreciate it.” G-War dropped into a crouch where the stable master could see him. It was clearly a threat, but not one that Braden had overtly made. They each took an end of the blanket roll, then walked it over the horse’s back. Braden quickly tied it down and climbed onto his mount. G-War jumped onto the blanket roll and dug in. With the reins in one hand and the second horse’s lead in the other, Braden looked down on the stable master. He flipped two shekels on the ground in front of the man. “A tip, for your assistance. Be well.” Inclining his head slightly to the stable master, he prodded his horse to a walk. Once out of the stable, he turned sharply away from the market square and headed toward the school.
10 – Not Going
He tied the horses to a post behind the school, a single-story building with numerous rooms on both sides of one main hallway. He stalked down the hall until he saw Ava. She was in her classroom. He waved her to come out, but she shook her head and kept lecturing. The motion made the students turn and look at him. He smiled and waved at