civilian life much more seamlessly than he, even if he’d joined a big city police department.
“Hey it’s me, what’s the status?”
Pacing the floor while monitoring the city from the oversized window at the rear of his apartment, Randy continued. “Every car with only one patrolman, what’s the point in even leaving the station?”
“Where’s it headed?”
“How’s the grid?”
“Yeah, I know my man. Just get out of the city as quickly as you can. It’s gonna get real nasty tonight and for the next few weeks.”
“Trust me, there’s no one left for you to protect and serve.”
“Be safe bud… take care”
Knowing his friend wouldn’t take the advice; Randy tossed the phone onto the counter. Grabbing the burrito and his laptop, he dropped to the couch, intent on gleaning what he could from the web as the sun fell beneath the horizon, ushering in the first night in hell.
As the hours escaped, so did his hope. He listened with his head back and eyes closed, as the sounds of the night rose and dissipated with the horrific medleys of tortured souls losing their battle with the infected.
Never closer than a few miles, Randy shot from the couch as two quick gunshots sounded from the alley below his building. He hadn’t checked the time since closing his laptop, and knew the concept of time stopped mattering hours ago. Hurrying to the window, he struggled for a moment with what he was witnessing as the third shot rang out. What was Mason doing? That alley at this time of night was a death sentence, even before the events of the past day. Tonight it was all but assured.
Reaching for the nearest pistol, Randy bolted for the door. Racing through the hall and down the many flights of stairs, he needed to reach his friend in time. This situation just turned personal as Mason was like a brother to him. He couldn’t let this happen. Avoiding a growing horde as he breeched the entrance to his building and made his way into the alley, Randy caught a quick glimpse of Mason unmoving with one of those things clawing its way on top.
Cursing those who permitted the virus to escape into the public and not shutting it down years ago, Randy sprinted the length of the darkened concrete path to his friend. This was never supposed to happen, although he always figured it would… at some point.
. . .
As they moved from one area to the next, the hours passed. Sitting in the back seat, watching the complete annihilation of every city they moved through had her heart racing. At times, she felt as though she’d wake from this nightmare in a sweaty, panicked mess. The images at times too graphic to comprehend, Savannah shielded her eyes as the two animals in the front seat appeared to bond over the hell that had fallen to earth that day.
“We’re here,” Jason said as Savannah slid down into the fetal position, along the rear floorboard once again. “Savannah, you staying here?”
She didn’t answer; she covered her ears and didn’t look up. Jason snatched the rear door open and knelt to her level. “I probably deserve whatever it is your thinking, although I’m the only one protecting you from those things at this point. You may want to show a little gratitude.”
The outdoor mall appeared to have escaped the early hours of the infection without too much damage. As night fell, the parking lot wasn’t much different than what would be found in the weeks leading up to a major holiday. Crowds rushing from store to store, grabbing what they could pack into their carts before heading back to their vehicles. Scanning the area, it appeared the infected had already come through the area or they’d be here soon and things were about to get much worse. Either way, the brothers knew what supplies they needed and time was working against them.
“I’m staying here; I can’t stand to see any more of this… or you,” Savannah