to her breasts, and she teased her own nipples, tugging and pinching. Just watching her was enough to pull him close to coming.
He worked his finger over her, Dana’s excited display a tell-tale sign that she was ready for her climax. Liam complied, knowing what she needed. His finger moved more roughly over her as she dropped to her hands and pressed her breasts against him. Her motion became frenetic, dragging over him, and scraping her nipples against him.
“Oh, God, Liam, yes, yes!”
“Coming,” he said, as the feeling of impending release gathered in his sac.
“Please, please.” She panted, throwing her head back.
Seizing the moment, Liam grabbed her hair with his free hand and pulled gently. “Come, Dana. Come on. Come.”
She was driving herself down on him, and he gave her the last key to her orgasm. He pinched her clit firmly. Dana’s climax grabbed her, and she groaned his name, “Liam!”
The grip of her pussy around him was his undoing and felt his climax race first up his cock, and release all the tension in his entire body. He thrust up, into Dana, the sensation of complete delight grabbing him and holding him for a moment.
As he dropped out of the ecstatic heights, Dana lowered herself to his chest, panting. She lay comfortably on him. He stroked her back and just held her. He was going to miss what they had, but it wasn’t love. Not the kind that they both craved. Not the kind they needed to make it work.
Leaving was the right thing to do.
* * *
“Liam Dunfrees.”
With the same sense of mediocrity he had been living in for the past few years, Liam walked the stairs to the platform. The chair of his department stood there, smile and holding a hand out to shake. He shook it and accepted the diploma with a smile of his own. He turned to the audience and found his family there: his mother and Hartley, Tom and his wife, Violet and Anna. All smiling and beaming and Tom letting out a shrill whistle of appreciation.
He waved and headed back down the stairs to his seat. The ceremony was almost over and then it was off to a restaurant for dinner. The dinner was delicious and fun, and it was only a delay tactic to keep Tom off his case. Which failed when Tom followed him to the bathroom.
“You’re really going?” Tom didn’t waste time diving into the tirade.
“Yes, I’m really going.” Liam tried to keep his voice neutral and firm.
“You’re just going to up and leave your mother here?”
“Tom, she’s not alone.” Liam tried to step around him.
“Your mother needs you.”
“Don’t you start with this, Tom. Don’t you dare. Mom doesn’t need me. No one here needs me. I’m an extra in a bad B movie, and with you taking over Hart’s store, Vi going hog wild on her 4C and environmental stuff, and Annie just being damn cute, I have nothing here. I’m a tech school grad with an associates in computer science. That gets me nothing.”
“And you’re going to leave Dana?”
“Stop, Tom. This is hard enough. We’ve tried to make it more than a casual relationship, and it’s not there. Don’t think that I don’t know what I’m giving up with her. But I want both of us to be happy, but lazy afternoon sex and a beer at the bar does not make for an enduring relationship.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Think what you want, Tom. You never liked me. You’ve never liked anything about me, what I do, where I go, who I hang with. I need to get out into the world, away from here. I will only be in the way.”
Tom folded his arm and leaned against the door. “You’re not going.”
“Tom. Really? I’m twenty-one. There isn’t a person on this planet who can stop me from getting on that bus to Seattle next week. And I would bet that no one shows at the bus stop to say goodbye because they have other things that have to get done.” Liam shook his head. “I’m invisible here. An inconvenience at best. So please stop trying to care.”
Tom huffed. “I do care. You