to prevent him from worrying about how her life had been ripped apart the moment she chose to stand by his side.
She had loved him so goddamn much, and in return all he had done was hurt her, over and over.
“I locked the door. I knew…my s-secretary would not interfere because she did the same thing for me. She knew I’d f-fire her if she interfered.”
Damen did not want to hear any more. He only wanted to kill Cleon Frangos because this man before him – this pitiful excuse for a human – had dared to hurt what was his. Rage flared inside him, and the urge to snap the man’s neck was intense, but Damen made himself ignore it. Refusing the urge was his own way of inflicting punishment on himself.
He did not deserve to kill Cleon Frangos because he knew he had hurt Mairi even more.
And so now, he continued to listen, another form of self-punishment he welcomed because he deserved it.
“Sh-she was wearing a blouse and a tight skirt. Th-the skirt showed a l-lot of her legs.” Cleon bit his lip hard.
But Ioniko would not allow Cleon to withhold anything. He said coldly, “Don’t stop now.”
The silent threat that followed made Cleon swallow. Why did this man want him to repeat every damn thing he had said? Why the focus on the details? Was their conversation being recorded and would it be used as a confession – evidence submitted to the police for his arrest?
“I’m getting impatient.”
The sound of cracking fists had Cleon mumbling hurriedly, “I saw her and I wanted to fuck her.”
Something in Damen died with those words.
This man. This bully. This sex maniac.
This asshole had wanted to fuck Mairi when he had seen her, and in that situation this man had been the one holding all the cards and Mairi…Mairi had none.
Mairi. God, Mairi. If only he could shout her name and have it heard throughout the world – if only there was something he could do that would ensure she would hear him.
I’m so damn sorry, Mairi. I’m so damn sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me.
“I asked her if she was Damen Leventis’ fiancée.”
And again, Damen knew what the answer to the question was even before Cleon said it.
“She said no.”
Mairi would say no because she had not wanted anything to get back to Damen, had not wanted to cause him trouble because she loved him.
How many times, Damen wondered bleakly, had Mairi suffered for the sake of her love for him?
Cleon’s voice shook. “I swear, if she had said yes, I wouldn’t have touched her. If I had known she was your woman, Mr. Vlahos—”
Ioniko’s voice was hard as he snapped, “This is your last warning. Finish the story or it will be the last words you’ll ever say in this lifetime.”
At those words, Cleon couldn’t help it.
Not a single expression crossed Ioniko’s face as he watched the other man pee himself in fear.
Cleon started to sob like a fucking crybaby. “I told her we could come to an understanding. I saw in her eyes that she understood. She was frightened of me…”
The words made Damen’s heart crack into a thousand pieces.
If any of the gods could hear him now, let them take his life in exchange for turning back time and preventing Mairi from ever knowing that Cleon Frangos existed.
But if there was indeed a god listening to Damen, it was the god of vengeance and he struck ruthlessly, filling Damen with visions of a pale and shaking Mairi, fearful and alone, with no one to turn to for help as she found herself locked inside a room with Cleon Frangos.
“I was aroused by her fear. It made me want to fuck her even more. I couldn’t stop staring at her breasts…”
Pure instinct had Damen taking a step towards Cleon. It didn’t matter that what Cleon was saying had already taken place. Something in him wanted to protect Mairi – even if it was only the imaginary Mairi in his mind, the one who could not cry out because she was so damn afraid.
“She told me she did not want it, but I told her I