The Architecture of Snow (The David Morrell Short Fiction Collection #4) Read Online Free Page A

The Architecture of Snow (The David Morrell Short Fiction Collection #4)
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Anyway, why does he need an agent? Within reason, we’ll give him whatever he wants. ” The transmission crackled. “This’ll go a long way toward proving you’re a necessary part of the team.” The crackle worsened. “Don’t disappoint . . . Call . . . soon . . . find . . .”
    With renewed motivation, I searched the southern sector, not giving up until dark. In town, I refilled the gas tank, ready for an early start the next morning. Then I walked along the shadowy main street, noticing FOR SALE signs on a lot of doors. The financial troubles gave me an idea.
    * * *
    Tipton Realty had its lights on. I knocked.
    “Come in,” a woman’s voice said.
    As I entered, I couldn’t help noticing my haggard reflection on the door’s window.
    Again the hardwood floor creaked.
    “Busy day?” The same woman sat at the desk. She was about 35. Her lush red hair hung past her shoulders. Her bright, green eyes were hard to look away from.
    “I saw a lot of beautiful country.”
    “Did you find him?”
    “Find . . . ?”
    “Bob Wentworth. Everybody in town knows you’re looking for him.”
    I glanced down. “I guess I’d make a poor spy. No, I didn’t find him.” I held out my hand. “Tom Neal.”
    She shook it. “Becky Shafer.”
    “I can’t get used to people calling him ‘Bob.’ I gather you’ve met him.”
    “Not as much as other people in Tipton. I’m new.”
    “Yeah, I came here only twelve years ago.”
    I chuckled.
    “I drove into town with my artist boyfriend,” she explained. “We loved the quiet and the scenery. We decided to stay. The boyfriend’s long gone. But I’m still a newcomer.”
    “Sorry about the boyfriend.” I noticed she didn’t wear a wedding ring.
    “No need to be sorry. He turned out to be a creep.”
    “A lot of that going around.” I thought of my CEO.
    She gave me a look that made me think she applied the word to me.
    “I do have an important reason to see him,” I said.
    After I told her about the manuscript, she thought a moment. “But why would he use a pseudonym?”
    “That’s one of many things I’d like to ask him.” Thinking of the FOR SALE signs, I took my chance to propose my idea. “To hear the old timers tell it, things got crazy here with so many fans wanting to talk to him. You can imagine the effect a new book would create. The publicity. The pent-up demand. This town would attract a lot of fans again. It would be like the excitement of thirty years ago.”
    I let the temptation sink in.
    Becky didn’t respond for several moments. Her gaze hardened. “So all I need to do is show you where Bob lives, and in exchange, next year I’ll have more business than I can handle?”
    “When you put it that way, I guess that’s right.”
    “Gosh, I didn’t realize it was so late.” She pulled her car keys from her purse. “You’ll have to excuse me. I need to go home.”
    * * *
    The weathered old Tipton Tavern was presumably the place Wade told me about, where Wentworth sometimes watched a baseball game. There was indeed a baseball game on the televison, but I was the main interest, patrons setting down their drinks and looking at me. As much as I could tell from recalling the photograph on Wentworth’s books (a lean-faced, dark-haired man with soulful eyes), he wasn’t in the room.
    Heading back to the motel, I didn’t go far before I heard wary footsteps behind me. A cold breeze made me shiver as I glanced back toward the shadowy street. The footsteps ended. I resumed walking and again heard the footsteps. My Manhattan instincts took charge. Not quite running, I passed my car and reached the motel. My cold hands fumbled with the room key.
    In the night, glass broke outside my room. I phoned the front desk, but no one answered. In the morning, not having slept well, I went out to my car and found the driver’s window shattered. A rock lay on the seat. The radio was gone.
    The surprised desk clerk told me, “The town
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