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Tempting a Devil
Book: Tempting a Devil Read Online Free
Author: Samantha Kane
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency, Victorian
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looks or tastes. Sharp, however, had seen the beauty in her from the moment they met. Both he and Hil had chided Roger for his thick-headedness. He’d changed since then and wasn’t fooled by false impressions anymore.
    “He will be a horrid tourist,” Julianna commented. She turned to Roger. “I heard you found a girl. That’s nice.”
    “Yes, Mother, I did,” Roger said sarcastically. Julianna stuck her tongue out at him, too, and he laughed. In the next instant she was distracted by the books on Sharp’s desk.
    “Juli, we don’t have enough room in the luggage for books,” Sharp said in exasperation. “And they weigh down the trunks too much.”
    “But I need something to read in Italy!” she exclaimed. “I don’t read Italian.”
    “I’m sure they have books in English,” Sharp told her.
    “If not, think of it as an opportunity to learn something new,” Roger suggested. “Think of the havoc you could wreak in Italy if you actually spoke the language.”
    “ Vous êtes très amusant , Monsieur Templeton,” Julianna said.
    “That’s French, not Italian,” Roger explained. “You do know they are different countries, correct?”
    Julianna picked up a little figurine and threw it at him. Sharp moved quickly and caught the figurine in midflight. “I like that one,” he said calmly as he set it back down. “You know, Roger, you have an uncanny ability to make good women go bad.”
    “And don’t think I don’t use it to my advantage,” Roger replied with a wink.
    “Oh, I am going to miss watching Lady Mercenary in her hunt for the elusive Templeton,” Julianna said with a sigh. “Do the Italians really need to see the Stewart Pearl? After all, they have some famous jewels of their own. They don’t need my pearl.”
    “Your pearl?” Sharp asked, raising his eyebrows. “I thought it was my pearl.”
    “Oh, please,” Julianna drawled, “haven’t we settled that already? You gave it to me. Twice.” After she’d stolen it first, Roger thought, but he didn’t say it aloud. Sharp didn’t like to be reminded of that.
    “I must have been out of my head,” Sharp muttered. He walked around his desk and grabbed her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist. “You’re just getting homesick already. You’ll love Italy. Won’t she, Roger?”
    “Yes, yes,” he answered absently. He sat forward in the chair now, a frown on his face as he rolled Julianna’s comments around in his head. “Lady what?” he asked. “What did you call Harry?”
    “Harry?” Julianna looked confused for a moment. Her face cleared and she grinned. “Oh, you mean Lady Mercer. How sweet, you already have a love name for her.”
    “Not a love name,” Roger assured her quickly. “A childhood name. I’ve known her since she was in swaddling clothes.”
    “I’m sorry,” Julianna apologized immediately. “I didn’t mean to disparage your friend with that awful nickname. It’s not fair she bears the brunt of her family’s shame.”
    Roger shook his head trying to clear it. “What are you talking about?”
    Julianna looked as if she wished she hadn’t mentioned anything. “Just that it’scommon knowledge they married her to old Mercer for his money. A beauty like her married to a decrepit old man?” She shuddered. “It must have been awful for her. And he kept her locked up in the country, like a villain. I’m glad she’s found you, Roger.”
    Roger barely heard her. She’d married her husband for money. Her old husband, knowing she’d be a widow soon. A widow who was now looking to find the passion she’d forsaken in order to catch a rich husband. Well, she wasn’t going to find it with him. He’d had enough of women like that. He’d gotten his heart stomped into a bloody mess by one and he’d vowed never to get involved with another. He stood abruptly. “You won’t miss a thing, dear Julianna. This fox has outrun better hunters, and will continue to do so.” He saluted her. “Leave Italy

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