Teacup Novellas 01 - Tea With Emma Read Online Free Page B

Teacup Novellas 01 - Tea With Emma
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Nana winked and rolled out of the room.
    “Tea . . .” Maddie sat up, the entrepreneurial fires reigniting. “Nana, wait up! There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

    Lanie pulled the last tissue from her box of Kleenex and blew her nose. The male voice from the speaker on her laptop beckoned.
    “Lanie, I’m so sorry. It’s killing me to hear you cry like this.”
    She wiped her nose again, thankful Jeff couldn’t actually see her in this state. Granted, he’d never actually seen her at all. At least not in person. They’d been cyber-friends for several months now, but had never met face-to-face. Video-chatting via Skype was their usual method of communication. But on a night like this, she’d opted against the video, simply talking through the audio version.
    “I just can’t seem to stop the tears, y’know? And yet I’m so angry, I could just BITE somebody!” she growled, holding back another sob.
    “Totally understandable. A helpless little kitten, left all alone? I mean, who does something like that? What was she thinking? Where did you find this roommate anyway—the heartless store?”
    “Not funny. Actually, she found me. Before my previous roommate Selena graduated, she told Alice about the apartment. They had some classes together or something. So Selena all but promised her she could move in with me once she moved out. I guess I should have checked her out better, but it was just so much easier than having to post ads for a new roommate or put the word out.”
    Jeff blew out a long sigh. “So you didn’t notice the she-devil horns when she first showed up?”
    Lanie wiped the remains of her mascara from her eyes. “No, she seemed fine. A little distant, but that’s actually not a bad thing for a roommate. I wasn’t looking for a gal-pal, just someone to help pay the rent. Guess I should have been a little more selective.”
    “I’d say that’s a slight understatement, wouldn’t you?”
    “No kidding.” She could hear the tapping on his keyboard when he answered.
    “Are you busy? I’m sorry, I’ve taken up way too much of your time.” She sat up, trying not to be hurt by his obvious distraction.
    “No, not at all, Lanie. I just had something I needed to order. I’m done. Sorry about that.”
    She rubbed her face, suddenly exhausted. “Well, I probably need to get to bed. It’s after 2:00 here. I’ve got to get up in a few hours to go to work. I haven’t even unpacked yet.”
    “Don’t go. Besides, it’s only midnight here in California. We’ve got worlds of time.”
    She could hear something pouring over ice through the speaker. “Yeah, well, you can’t exactly give me those two hours between us. What’s that you’re drinking?”
    “I’d give you those two hours if I could, though. Just so you know. And it’s Dr. Pepper, since you asked. I had a craving.”
    “Mmm. I haven’t had a Dr. Pepper since we left for England, and the fridge is bare. Could you bring one over?”
    “Wish I could. But mostly I wish I could give you a hug right now.”
    Lanie closed her eyes, trying to imagine how that would feel. This stranger she’d never met, so kind. So understanding of her broken heart. Oh, to be able to feel his arms around her . . . right here, right now.
    “That would be nice, Jeff.”
    She heard him inhale a deep breath, then slowly let it out. “Someday, Lanie. Someday.”
    “G’night, Jeff.”
    “G’night, Lanie.”

Chapter 3
    I an tightened the belt of his robe before opening the heavy front door . As he maneuvered the crutches to propel himself through the door, the heat and humidity swallowed him whole. So this is autumn in Texas . Ghastly hot. And to think school starts Monday. Feels more like summer holiday.
    He spotted the folded newspaper on the sidewalk near the street and started toward it. The wide porch gracing the front of the house sat atop ten broad steps. For a moment, he contemplated forgetting it. As he’d
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