strain.” He sighed, irritated, but glad that the conversation seemed to be having a calming effect on his cock.
They were almost to their destination and though he didn’t plan on meeting the press, he did have to speak with the other producers. It wouldn’t do to emerge from his limo looking like a man who’d had one too many lap dances.
He was trying to move away from that reputation, not toward it.
“Good for you.” She pressed her lips together in a way that made her narrow face seem even sharper.
“That’s an unattractive expression,” he said as the limo pulled to a stop. “You might want to rearrange your face before you meet the press.”
“I’d rather rearrange your face,” she grumbled under her breath before forcing a smile that definitely did not reach her eyes.
“I thought you wanted to ride me until I couldn’t stand,” he reminded her casually.
“I don’t have to like you to want to fuck you.” The door to the limo opened and she turned away from him, taking Matthew’s hand as he reached in to help her out onto the curb.
Serge watched Kat make her way through the gathering of reporters that had shown up for the first day of filming with a sour taste in his mouth. She’d been different in the car, more pleasant, not to mention a temptress of unparalleled proportions. But that didn’t mean he had to like her, or care whether she liked him.
She was right, fucking was fucking and it was best if feelings didn’t come into play. Hell, it would be best if nothing came into play. This could be a single encounter, simply a memory to add to the others he’d made in this limo, not the start of something more.
“A single taste.” He muttered the words as the driver pulled away.
What had she said about pixie dust users?
A single taste and they were hooked?
He had no desire to be hooked on Kat, but he had a feeling he no longer had a choice. He would be seeking her out in the near future. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and the fact that his erection issues were non-issues around Kat made him long for more time in her company, no matter how difficult she could be.
But maybe that was the attraction. Maybe the idea of taking their sparring to the sheets was sparking his interest.
Now there was a theory he couldn’t wait to put to the test.
“Mr. Sokol, they’re waiting for you in the observation room.” One of the interns working on the project scurried across the concrete as Serge stepped out of the limo in the private underground parking lot.
There were only a handful of cars parked in the space, most of them the limos of the other producers. There would be no problem making his way to the meeting unobserved, but he’d planned his arrival so that would be the case.
“Thank you, Timothy,” Serge said with a smile, not missing the way the intern’s face lit up at having the boss remember his name.
Serge always remembered names. No matter how many nondisclosure forms the people working on this project had signed, he knew the best way to inspire loyalty was to remember names, give praise when praise was due, and make sure everyone from the biggest fish down to the most underpaid intern felt like an integral part of the team.
Unfortunately, he was now at the mercy of a woman who seemed to be beyond his control. Kat had buckled fairly quickly when he’d called her blackmail bluff, but he wasn’t certain she would keep his secret.
As he entered the elevator and pressed the button for the fifth floor, Serge wondered what would happen if she did tell the other contestants his true identity. Would he be inundated with gorgeous former queens wanting to improve their chances at victory by keeping the executive producer happy? Perhaps, but the idea held little appeal. He had beautiful women in his bed whenever he wanted them; he didn’t need to use or abuse his position.
Then why did he find it acceptable to