Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02] Read Online Free Page B

Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02]
Book: Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02] Read Online Free
Author: Passion for the Game
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of his surprise. Freeing the placket of his breeches, he cleared his throat and said, “That’s more like it.”
    “Oh, good! I was unable to gather much aside from his Irish descent, but I can tell you he has been a member of her household since Lord Winter passed on two years ago.”
    Two years.
    “Also, I find something curious about her relations with her stepfather, Lord Welton.”
    “Curious?” Christopher asked.
    “Yes, the servant I spoke with mentioned his frequent visits. I find that odd.”
    “Perhaps because your relations with your stepfather were less than satisfactory?”
    Christopher thrust his arms through the robe his valet held out for him. “Thompson, bring Beth and Angelica to me.”
    The valet bowed slightly before doing as he was bid, and Christopher left the dressing room for the sitting area. “What do we know of her finances?” he tossed over his shoulder.
    “Not enough at the moment,” Philip answered, following, “but that will be rectified in the morning. She appears flush, so I am curious as to why she feels the need to acquire money in such a gruesome manner.”
    “And you reached the conclusion of her guilt with sufficient evidence?”
    “Ah . . . no.”
    “I can do nothing with conjecture, Philip. Find proof.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Two years. Which proved she was capable of some feeling. A woman did not share the delights of her body with a man for that length of time without caring at least some small measure. “Tell me about Welton.”
    “He is a profligate who spends the majority of his waking moments pursing gaming tables and whores.”
    “White’s and Bernadette’s.”
    “Hazard and blondes.”
    “Well done.” Christopher smiled. “I am pleased with what you accomplished in only a few hours.”
    “Your life depends upon it,” Philip said simply. “Were I you, I would have sent someone with more expertise.”
    “You were ready.”
    “That is debatable, but in any case, I’m grateful.”
    Moving to the row of decanters on the nearby walnut table, Christopher waved off the statement before pouring a glass of water. “What use would I have for you if you remain green?”
    “Yes, exploitation was your only aim,” Philip said dryly as he leaned against the mantel. “The Lord forbid that my well-being should be the result of a momentary bout of generosity. A recurring bout, I should mention, as all of us under this roof seem to have stumbled upon it at some point.”
    Christopher snorted and drained his glass. “Please refrain from casting kind aspersions upon my character. It’s quite rude to malign me so.”
    Philip had the temerity to roll his eyes. “Your fearsome reputation has been hard earned and proven many times. Taking in the world’s strays will not raise sunken ships from the ocean’s depths, replace stolen cargos, or revitalize those foolish enough to have crossed you. You’ve no cause to worry. My undying gratitude shan’t diminish your infamy.”
    “Cheeky bastard.”
    The young man smiled and then the moment was broken by a soft knock at the door.
    “Come in,” Christopher called out, bowing his head slightly in greeting as a statuesque blonde and petite but voluptuous brunette joined them. “Ah, lovely. I have need of both of you.”
    “We missed you,” Beth said with a seductive flip of her loose blond hair. Angelica simply winked. She was the quieter of the two, unless she was fucking. Then she cursed like the crudest of his sailors.
    “Pardon me,” Philip interjected, frowning. “How did you know Welton would not have a preference for red-haired wenches?”
    “How do you know they are not here for me?” Christopher countered.
    “Because I am here and you are focused. You never mix business with pleasure.”
    “Perhaps pleasure is the business, young Philip.”
    Philip’s gray eyes narrowed behind his spectacles, a physical sign of his mental exertions. It was that tendency

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