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Super (Book 2): Super Duper
Book: Super (Book 2): Super Duper Read Online Free
Author: Princess Jones
Tags: Superheroes | Supervillains
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behind my left ear. “No,
I don’t know what you’re doing. Let me see your hand.”
“Um, hold o— “
“No,” he cut me off. “I think you need to go to the
hospital. Let me see.” He reached over, grabbed my wrist,
and pulled me toward him. We both looked down at my hand
together. It looked puffy and bright pink, but it was whole.
I breathed a sigh of relief. “See? I told you.”
Mike held my brand new, dripping wet hand in his.
He turned it over to examine it and then turned it over again
to examine the other side. “Audrey?”
I licked my lips and met is almond brown eyes. “Yeah?”
“You gotta call a plumber.”
“I think you’re right. I’ll let you know when he gets
here.” And with that, I grabbed my tools and made the fastest
exit in the history of home improvement disasters.
Chapter 5
    Tap. Tap. CRASH!!!
For the second time in two sleeps, I was awakened to
the loud sound of someone trying to get my attention. This
time, it was at my bedroom window. I rolled over to see glass
surrounding a large rock on my bedroom floor. It matched
the big hole in my bedroom window perfectly.
I struggled out the bed and rushed to the window.
Down on the ground, Outside Bob waved up to me from the
sidewalk. “Good morning, Audrey!” he called up.
“What the fuck, Bob?! You broke my window?!” It was
both a statement and a question.
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “This building has thin windows.
In my experience, most windows can take a few rocks without
breaking all over the place. You should talk to the owner
about that. It’s probably a building code violation. “
“Bob, why would you be throwing rocks at my
window? That’s insane.”
Bob shrugged again. “Hey, I’m not the one who is late
for her appointment.”
I looked at the time on the alarm clock on my nightstand:
8:07. “FUCCCKKK!!!! I’m late!” I yelled. I didn’t even think to
ask him how he knew about my appointment.
“See? I told ya!” Bob yelled back.
But I wasn’t listening to him. I ran across my bedroom
and grabbed some clothes out of my closet. The day before
I’d come back from apartment 3A, made another call to the
plumber about the wonky disposal, and ordered Chinese
food. Then I’d spent the rest of the evening watching reality
TV and trying not to freak out about this appointment. I’d
even set my alarm to wake me up a little early so I could get
to Miss Fine’s office early. You know, start things out on the
right foot and all of that.
But as I stuffed myself into a pair of nice jeans and a
dressy top and pulled my hair into a somewhat neat poof, I
realized that wasn’t going to happen. “Wish me luck, Crash,”
I yelled at the fish swimming in unperturbed circles. I grabbed
my bag, my phone, and my keys, and opened my front door,
where I promptly stopped in my tracks at the sight before me.
Standing in my doorway, with her hand raised as if to
knock on the door, was a little girl with two long black plaited
pigtails in a pink shift dress. “My mom said for me to use
your bathroom.”
I exhaled as I realized who this was. “Little Cindy
Pham, right?” She nodded. “I told your mom that you guys
could use the extra toilet in the basement. It’s that door right
next to the washers and dryers.”
She shook her head. “My brother is in there.”
“Then wait for him to get done.”
She shook her head again. “My other brother is gonna
use it after that. And then— “
“Your other brother needs to use it,” I finished for her. I
took note of the way she wiggled as she stood in the doorway
in the unmistakable pee dance that every kid has ever done
more than a few times in her life. I had to go, though. “Listen,
you can use my bathroom but I have to go. I’m late for a very
important appointment.” Cindy hopped up and down and
nodded her head. “Just make sure you lock my door before
you go. Just turn the lock on the knob and close it when you
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