stretched, previously unused muscles aching. He blinked several times as he opened his eyes and tried to get the sleep out of them then rolled over onto his back. The morning light shining through the windows bounced off the white ceiling.
That wasn’t his ceiling.
Sam sat up and glanced around. This wasn’t his bedroom either. This bedroom was much larger and much nicer than his little bedroom. Hell, this one even had a fireplace. And an actual bed. Sam had a futon.
For a moment, unease filled him as he wondered if he had finally given in to Desmond’s demands and slept with him. Sam had been putting the man off almost since the moment he met him. Then Sam saw the green cast on his arm and remembered why he had never slept with Desmond. It just hadn’t felt right, and now he knew he was right about those feelings.
Thank the gods he had never given in.
So, if he didn’t sleep with Desmond, who—Sam inhaled sharply as memories assailed him. Granted, they were hotter-than-fuck memories, but still. He suddenly knew exactly where he was, and that scared him even more than Desmond did.
He was in Jesse’s bed.
Sam scooted to the edge of the bed and searched the floor until he spotted his pants and shirt on the floor at the end of the bed. He quickly got up and grabbed them, then ran for the bathroom. He locked the bathroom door and leaned back against it, his eyes sliding closed as the weight of his actions sank into him.
Jesse had barely said two words to him. He had just carried him upstairs and fucked him unconscious. Those weren’t the actions of a man in love. They were the actions of someone that wanted control, just like Desmond did.
Sam had to get the hell out of here as fast as he could, before Jesse came back. He needed to run and run fast. Jesse was just as controlling as Desmond, and this just proved it. Sam was afraid if he stuck around, Jesse would become as possessive as Desmond had.
Sam realized he still had the same romanticized image of Jesse that he’d had for years. He probably always would. Jesse had been his first crush, his first kiss, and now his first— No! Sam opened his eyes and started pulling his clothes on as quickly as he could. He wasn’t going to think about that. He wasn’t.
Maybe later, when he was away and safe, he would pull the experience out and go over it in his mind, but right now, he just needed to get away before Jesse stopped him. Hell, after the reception he had received from everyone he ran into, he wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to stop him as well.
Once he was dressed, Sam unlocked the bathroom door and peeked out. When he saw that the coast was clear, he hurried over to his shoes and pulled them on. Once he was dressed from head to toe, literally, Sam cast one last wishful glance at the bed and then raced for the door. Hopefully he could make it to the front door before anyone stopped him.
Sam noticed that no one seemed to be around as he snuck down the hallway to the stairs and then to the first floor. It surprised Sam that he didn’t hear a single soul moving about inside the house. At the very least he should have heard his mother.
Maybe she was still at the little house in back. Sam grimaced at that thought. He needed to get his bags out of his room, and he really didn’t want to have to explain to his mother why he was running like a scared rabbit, especially not when talking to Jesse had been her idea.
Sam decided to use the back door instead of the front. It was closer to his mother’s house. He peeked out the window first and made sure no one was around then pushed it open and hurried toward the small white house he had grown up in.
He made it inside the house without being spotted and hurried down the hallway to his old bedroom. He went to grab his bags, but they weren’t where he had left them. They weren’t in the bathroom, the closet, the hallway, or anywhere in the rest of the house.
His bags were gone.
Even as that thought