to the children they bore? Did they ever hug their daughters or wish them sweet dreams at night? Did they love their children? Did those children know it?
“By tradition, your grandfather has always sealed the alliance with the Ashqilula through marriage.”
Aisha’s low, bitter tone broke the silence. Fatima jerked back to awareness.
“It has been so, child, since my aunts Leila and Fatima married the Sultan’s brothers. Even the Sultan took an Ashqilula wife, your grandmother the Sultana Muna. He gave his sister Faridah in marriage to my uncle. The Sultan’s daughter Mu’mina wed my cousin, the chieftain Ibrahim. Then your father demanded me for a bride. Now, everything is different, but the blood ties remain.”
She paused and glanced over her shoulder. “Do you understand the significance of the blood, Fatima? It has bound the Nasrids and the Ashqilula for two generations.”
Fatima crossed her arms over her chest. “I know our family’s history.”
Aisha faced her, lips thinned, shoulders back. She showed no hint of her earlier unease.
“Yet, your young mind cannot fathom the damage that has been done, now that you have married at the whim of your grandfather. He has placed you in grave danger.”
“My father can protect me.”
Aisha shook her head. “You’re so young, too young to understand how much your future has changed because of this marriage. Your father cannot protect you forever, Fatima.”
“Because you took me away from him! Why have you stolen me away?”
“You may not believe me, but I did it for your protection, to keep you safe. I won’t let your father and grandfather use you to start a war with my clan.”
“Father and Grandfather would never do anything to hurt me. They love me!”
“No! What do you know of love? You don’t even look at us, your own children. When Muna has bad dreams and cries at night, you’re never there to hold her and rock her to sleep again. Only our governess is. You don’t know how to show love.”
Aisha drew back and pressed against the wall. Her eyes glittered for a moment, before she looked away.
“Your father must have told you that. How strange it is to hear his words from another. If my words cannot convince you otherwise, then my actions must. I know all too well the dangers you face. I want you to know that I…sympathize with you. I know what it is to be subject to the will of a powerful man. Such is the fate of those who suffer under the dominion of your grandfather and father.”
Fatima’s eyes watered, even though she willed the tears away. Any show of weakness before this woman would not help her get home. “Why do you hate Father so much?”
She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “He gave you a home and children. Don’t you care about any of it?”
“It is because I care for you that we must leave this place.” Aisha’s voice barely rose above a whisper. “You cannot stay here. The danger is too great. If I must take you away from everyone and everything you have ever known for your own safety, then so be it.”
She edged closer and Fatima pressed against the wall behind her, burying her face in her hands. Bitter cold pierced her back, but the pain tearing her heart felt worse. “I want my sisters and Muhammad! I don’t want to leave them.”
She could not go and never see her family again. Aisha asked for too much.
Aisha’s words trailed off and Fatima’s sobs filled the silence that followed.
“Fatima, your love for your family is great, one of many among your qualities that I admire. One day, when this is over, I promise you shall see your brother and sisters again. I know you do not want to leave them, but you must for now. I know your grandfather’s wishes for you, but you cannot rely on Prince Faraj, either. He is ten years older than you are. He is a man already. He shall look to his own interests first.”
Fatima peeked between her