Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) Read Online Free Page A

Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)
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in the clouds smiling down on us right now, and that’s why everyone was sad at the hospital, because he left us to be in heaven with God.”
    Angel got up from her chai r and climbed on his lap, grabb ing h is face. “Daddy don’t cry he is happy.” She hugged him. He looked up, and saw Kay.
    A tear ran down Kay’s cheek. Even with the pain he was feeling, he still found the time to sit and try to explain to his daughter where his grandfather was, but she knew he also needed Angel’s kisses and hugs.
    They drove up to his grandfather’s home it was huge. His mother had bought the house for her adoptive parents when she got her first commission check selling a multi-million home. They never wanted for anything. His uncle Jack was an Officer in the Navy, his aunt Carol was a dentist and his mom was a very successful realtor before she retired. They all took care of the Johnsons, the way they’d been taken care of when they were adopted.
    He got out of the car opened the door for Kay, and unhooked the buster seat for Angel. Angel ran up to her grandma. Mrs. Anderson grabbed, kissed and hugged her. They went inside, Jason introduced everyone to his Kay. The family sat down , and started telling stories about the Johnson s. H is uncle Jack looked at Jason’s mom and Aunt .
    “ Y ou guys remember when we were kids and Momma made us join the choir in church ? ”
    Mrs. Anderson chuckled. “Y es , I remember how awful your singing was, but d ad always said it didn’t matter . A ll that mattered was that we were praising H im.”
    His A unt Carol took hold of Mrs. Anderson’s hand and said, “I’m going to miss him.”
    “What d o you think he would’ve wanted?” Jack asked them.
    “He was a simple man . H e would like something simple,” Mrs. Anderson answered.
    Kay clear ed the table, and walked into the kitchen. There was a tall man looking out the window, she placed the dishes in the sink, he turned and looked at her. He was stunning. He had brown radiant ski n, standing at about six feet two. He walked over to Kay, extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Kevin. I was Jeremy’s nephew. I’ve never seen you before, are you related to us?”
    She shook his hand. “I’m Kay, Jason’s wife.”
    He released her hand. “Oh, you’re one of them.”
    She felt a little offended. “Excuse me, what do you mean by one of them?” She put her hand on her hip with a little attitude.
    He turned, not looking at her. “I meant to say that part of the family. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that it seemed like he loved them more than his own family.”
    She walked over to him. “I don’t know what you might have against them, but they were his family too. The Johnsons helped them when no one else would. He loved them like they were his own flesh and blood, because that’s how he felt. If they were a different skin color would we be having this conversation? Kay took a deep breath before speaking. “Gosh, Kevin, I’m not sure what to say. You seem so upset. Your Uncle never wanted for anything. You should thank them for giving your uncle a reason to smile. My mother-in-law always found time to come and visit him. You need to go out there with your family, and celebrate your uncle.”
    He turned to her. “You’re right.” He looked her over from head to toe. “If you ever get tired of my little cousin…”
    Before he could finish his sentence, Kay stepped back. “Now you’re over stepping. I will never get tired of Jason.”
    Jason walked into the kitchen. He’d heard the entire conversation, but remained silent. He walked up behind Kay, kissed her neck. “Is everything okay?”
    She turned in his arms. “Yes, just talking to your cousin Kevin.” she kissed his lips.
    Kevin excused himself and left the kitchen.
    Jason removed a strand of hair from her face. “Thank you for those kind words.”
    She smiled. “You heard.”
    He smiled back. “Yes.” They walked back out to the living room
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