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Rough Justice
Book: Rough Justice Read Online Free
Author: Stephen Leather
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where you live and if you tell anyone what I did I’ll come back and kill your whole family,” and that seems to do the trick.’ Grimshaw pointed the Stanley knife at Rawstorne. ‘You’ll do as you’re told, won’t you, Toby boy? You won’t tell the cops what happened to your little girl, will you? No, of course you won’t. Besides, what will the neighbours think? They might think that little Amy here enjoyed it.’
    ‘Don’t hurt her – please, don’t hurt her,’ begged Rawstorne. ‘I’ll get you more money. Anything you want.’
    ‘Have you got more money in the house, Toby boy? Something you’re keeping for a rainy day? Because, believe me, it’s about to pour down on your life.’
    ‘I’ve money in the bank. Just please don’t hurt my family.’
    ‘The banks are shut, in case you hadn’t noticed,’ said Grimshaw. ‘It’s Friday night and I’m buggered if I’m going to wait here all weekend.’ He waved the knife at Maloney. ‘Do what you have to do and then give the guys a hand loading the vans,’ he said.
    ‘Please, don’t do this,’ begged Rawstorne. ‘She’s only fifteen.’
    Grimshaw walked over to Rawstorne, pulling the gun from his holster. He slammed the butt against the side of his head and Rawstorne screamed in pain. Grimshaw dragged him off the bed and kicked him in the stomach, hard. Rawstorne curled into a ball, his knees against his chest as he moaned in pain. ‘I told you, shut the hell up!’ shouted Grimshaw.
    ‘Hey, leave it out!’ roared Simpson.
    Grimshaw ignored him. He kicked Rawstorne in the back, then stamped on him, grunting with the exertion. He was about to kick the man again when Simpson’s shotgun went off, blowing chunks of plaster from the ceiling. Simpson pointed it at Grimshaw’s groin. ‘This stops right now!’ he yelled.
    ‘Are you bloody crazy?’ Grimshaw pointed his gun at Simpson’s face. ‘What the hell are you playing at?’
    ‘I’m not playing at anything! This isn’t a bloody game, Lex!’ shouted Simpson. ‘I didn’t sign up to start raping kids.’
    They heard running footsteps on the stairs, then muttering in the hallway. ‘What’s going on in there?’ called a man. It was a Scottish accent. Carrick Thompson.
    ‘First one through that door gets shot in the balls!’ bellowed Simpson.
    ‘Boss, are you okay?’ asked Thompson.
    ‘It’s all under control,’ replied Grimshaw. ‘Go back to loading the vans – we’ve got to be out of here in five minutes.’
    Maloney threw the girl to the floor and pointed his gun at Simpson ‘Just remember you’ve only got one cartridge left in that thing,’ said Maloney.
    Simpson pumped another shell into the breech. ‘It’s a Remington 870 Marine Magnum pump action with a magazine that holds seven shells, you stupid prick,’ he said, not taking his eyes off Grimshaw. ‘And seven minus one is six. And even if you were a good enough shot to put a bullet in my head from there, which I doubt, the reflex would still be enough to blow Lex’s private parts to kingdom come. Might not kill him outright, but he won’t be having sex ever again.’
    ‘Will you stop using my sodding name?’ said Grimshaw.
    ‘Why? Are you ashamed of being Lex Grimshaw of forty-seven Cleveland Gardens, Exeter? Explain that to me. Not ashamed of aiding and abetting rape, are you?’
    ‘I’ll bloody well do you!’ yelled Maloney, taking a step closer to Simpson. The girl rolled over to a corner and lay there, sobbing.
    ‘You do and I’ll blow Lex’s balls off,’ said Simpson. ‘And if there’s any life left in me I’ll let you have the next one in your groin, too. Look at the ceiling, Maloney, and imagine what your prick’s going to look like.’
    ‘No one’s going to shoot anyone,’ said Grimshaw.
    ‘Yeah, well, that’s down to me, not you,’ said Simpson. ‘I’m the one with the shotgun.’
    ‘Let’s just calm down,’ said Grimshaw. ‘We’re in the middle of something here and we

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