standing there as if she had just been slapped in the face. After a moment she seemed to recover. “Nancy, this is your last chance. I’m serious.” Still smiling, acting completely oblivious, Nancy turned to her. “Serious about what?” Jill didn’t have a response to the directness of the question. As if spelling it out would somehow expose her as the raging bigot she was. In one fell swoop Nancy had beat Jill at her own social game by either making her admit to her prejudice against me, or back out and fight the fight in some other way. People were starting to stare at this strange confrontation, so she decided to back away, but not without an evil glare directed at the two of us. She was always full of those. Ever since then, Nancy and I have been best friends. The Hover-Shuttle landed at the station on the outskirts of Geoffrey Turner High. It was right next to the black iron wrought gate that served as metal open arms to the school. I did love this school, despite the people in it that made my life torture. There was something so comforting about its presence that I couldn’t quite explain. Maybe it was because I earned my right to be there. I earned the scholarships, I worked a part-time job, I made the grades, I deserved to be there. I wasn’t born into it; I made it happen and I was actually a little proud of that. I exited the shuttle without a word to the driver and made my way through the gate to the front courtyard. It was pretty much deserted since above me was the carpool platform with a long line of hover-cars dropping off students. Most of the kids liked being driven, but a handful of students drove themselves and parked in the designated lot behind the school. You had to be seventeen to get your hover license and most of the rich kids waited until they were eighteen since they enjoyed having drivers taxi them around everywhere. Bill was the only person I knew that actually had his hover-license. The courtyard was green and lush with classic maples and a hedge fence surrounding the entire circumference of the area. Two rows of cherry blossom trees lined the walkway ending at the large arched oak door that led inside the school. My favorite time of year was spring when they’d become a forest of pink. There were benches scattered throughout to encourage students to study and socialize outdoors, but there were only a handful of us that took advantage. I walked through the oak doors and entered the bottom level of the school. The halls were quickly filling up as students made their way down from the hover platforms above. Mahogany lockers lined the hallways (no small feat considering the use of any kind of wood was limited by the law for environmental purposes) and white marble floors leading the way. I could only imagine the amount of money it took to maintain the beauty and quality of the wood and flooring with the wear and tear of high school students. Not that Vice President Turner had to worry about money. He was filthy rich and always had been, even before Age-pro. His family was old money, ancient money, like since the early fifteen hundreds kind of ancient. When I reached my locker I opened the combination lock, pulled out my electronic reader and grabbed my fitted cardigan. Temperatures usually reached below freezing in Mr. Alaster’s History class and I wanted something to protect me from the cold. “Hey, did you read chapter eight?” Nancy suddenly appeared at my side. She had grown a few inches since freshman year, but her hair remained blonde, long and gorgeous. I still get pangs of guilt when I realize how popular Nancy would be if she wasn’t friends with me. She was truly stunning to look at, giant blue eyes: a delicate straight nose and perfectly bowed lips that were always pinkish-red in color as if she wore lipstick, but she was just naturally flawless. Her tight jeans and fitted top showed off her picture-perfect body. I always felt like the ugly duckling little brother when I