single rose resting across her breasts. Breasts that looked pert and appealing beneath the tight, black T-shirt she wore. The shirt ended just above her hips, an inch or two short of her white jeans, offering Zachary an enticing view of pale female flesh.
Unlike him, she hadn’t changed since the concert. But even at this hour—well past one in the morning—she looked fresh and vital, as though she’d just stepped out of the shower.
He wondered how she’d react if he buried his nose in the crook of her neck and breathed deeply of her scent.
Probably not too kindly.
Zachary had a sudden, overwhelming urge to impress her. To say something that would blow her mind and replace the caution in her eyes with undimmed interest. He waited a heartbeat for the right words to come and then smiled at her.
Hey? Seriously?
“Hey.” She bit her lower lip.
“How are you?”
Really, Zachary? That’s the best you’ve got?
“Good. You?”
“Good. Enjoying the party?”
Ah, fuck. Shoot me now. Could he say anything more mundane? If Luke and his brothers had heard him, they’d be doubled over with laughter.
She raised a dainty shoulder. “It’s all right.”
“Just all right?” Her answer made him smile. He knew the lengths people went to in order to get an invitation to these parties, yet Eve was totally blasé about it.
“I hadn’t intended to come. I was just going to go to sleep.”
Zachary angled himself in front of her, intentionally giving the rest of the world his back. Right now he was interested in no one but the beguiling woman before him. “What changed your mind?”
And could he just add, silently, that he was mighty glad she had changed her mind?
She raised the rose, offering it to him. “This did.”
He made a mental note to thank Luke. Who else could organize a delivery of fresh flowers—while coordinating the usual post-concert chaos—in a strange city, at midnight?
Zachary lifted it to his nose and inhaled. Sweet, but not nearly as sweet as Eve. “You’re giving me a used rose?”
“Ah, I’m not giving it to you. As soon as I leave, I’m taking it back. I just thought you might want to see what I’m thanking you for.” She ran a hand over her left cheek. “The flowers are beautiful. Every one of them. Thank you.”
Zachary drank in the sight of her. She was tiny. If he pulled her into his arms—which yes, he wanted to do, badly—her forehead head would press against his sternum. That wasn’t a bad thing. Not at all. Her long brown hair would feather across his chest and nipples. And if she wrapped her legs around him while he drove into her, over and over again, he doubted she’d be able to cross her feet behind his back.
The image was enough to stir his cock to life.
She was also incredibly pretty. The longer he drank in the sight of her, the prettier she looked, and the harder he became. Her makeup was perfect, the tones of her blush making her sky-blue eyes seem bluer and her cherry-red lips supremely kissable.
Given the opportunity, he’d press his mouth to hers and discover if her lips tasted as good as they looked.
It was lucky for Eve the rush of adrenaline from the concert had eased, otherwise Zachary wasn’t sure he’d have been able to stop himself from kissing her. From pressing her against the wall, pressing himself to her and ravaging her lips—and pussy.
Even now, his control was questionable.
“You’re very welcome. I’m sorry if I insulted you earlier, giving you flowers that were meant for me.”
She eyed him in silence for a good few seconds before letting him off the hook. “No harm done.”
“How about we start again? From the beginning this time.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Z…” Oops . “Jonah Speed.” Jesus, she had his brain all fried.
She batted his arm away. “There’s no need for such formalities. I know who you are.” Her laughter filled the air, a soft tinkle like a stream trickling over rocks. “The