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Reality Check
Book: Reality Check Read Online Free
Author: Jen Calonita
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check ‘parental concerns’ off our list, right?” Keiran asks, holding her pen.
    “They want to adopt Susan,” Hallie tells us. “She's been so accessible. My mom has called her twice already and she always takes her call.”
    “Mine too!” Keiran says. “My parents can't wait to meet with her later this week—
we say yes.” Keiran looks at me. Susan suggested we all meet for dinner Friday night to discuss some of our questions.
    “No problems with mine either,” says Brooke. “They know how much I want this.”
    I nod. Mine seem to be on board too. They have concerns, obviously, and I know they'll be watching every move the show makes with us, but I think they're okay with the idea of their daughter going Hollywood. “I was surprised mine didn't have more to say, but I guess that's because they don't watch the Fire and Ice Network.”
    “Mwn don't ev know wha Fir and Ice is!” Brooke says happily with her mouth full. “Which is prob why ey said yes.”
    I look down at my notebook to avoid seeing the turkey sandwich roll around in Brooke's mouth. “Okay then. So to the pros and cons—”
    “Char, we already know what they are.” Brooke swallows the last of the sandwich and looks at the others. “This meeting is really for you. You're the one Susan wants. We want to do it. We just want to know if
want to do it.”
    I shift uneasily in my seat. My butt is cold on this metal bench. “I do, but there are some cons you probably didn't think of.” I look down at my notebook again. “Like—”
    Brooke cuts me off. “I know you're going to say school, but if we're not shooting at school, then school won't really be a problem, right?”
    “Susan told my mom we're only shooting a few days a week, so yes, some days will probably be long, but other days will be regular days and we can get more work done then,” Hallie suggests.
    “True.” I cross “school” off the list. Crossing a con off gets me excited. And more nervous. This could really happen. I don't know whether I should scream or throw up.
    “Besides, how long could a shooting schedule actually be?” Keiran asks. “Three months? They're only taping twelve or so episodes, right?”
    “Yes, but each episode takes more than a day to shoot,” I explain as if I actually know (which I don't).
    Brooke leans over and scribbles all over my list with black marker. “HEY!”
    “Charlie, this is crazy!” Brooke says. “We can ask these sort of specifics
we say yes. The question is: What will it take to make you say yes?”
    I look at all of their hopeful faces and sigh. “Am I the only one who is scared of us losing
in all this?”
    “What do you mean?” Hallie is doodling flowers on her own list.
    “You see it in
Us Weekly
all the time,” I explain. “People feud when they are on these TV shows. Look at Heidi and Lauren! Lauren and Audrina! The folks on
! I don't want us to be like them.”
    “We won't,” Brooke assures me. “Is that what you're so afraid of, Charlie? That's not going to happen to us! I won't let it!” She sounds so determined, I sort of believe her. “Stop thinking of the negative things that won't happen. Think of the good stuff. All the great places we'll get to go, the clothes, the celebs we'll meet. We'll be dating the Jonas Brothers in no time.”
    “So you're over Justin Timberlake?” Keiran asks.
    Brooke grins. “I'm keeping my options open. Marleyna Garrison is going to be so jealous.”
    Hallie moans. “Her again?”
    “What?” Brooke asks innocently. “If she happens to find out that I'm rich and dating a Jonas, I'm just saying I wouldn't be broken up over it.”
    “Stay on track, people! We don't have much time.” Keiran is more focused than I've ever seen her. “Do you really think this show could tear us apart?” she asks me nervously. “I never even thought of that.”
    “We all fight sometimes and if they catch us saying something and then it's aired, we could wind

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