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Never Say Never
Book: Never Say Never Read Online Free
Author: Kelly Mooney
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sorry. I don’t know what that was. I guess...I don’t know what I guessed,” he says, tilting his head slightly to one side. Obviously trying to get a read on me.
    His face and stance both relax, his smile still smugly sitting on his face. “Kat, you really need to loosen up,” He says, as he tucks the loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
    “No, I don’t,” I mumble.
    He laughs. “You liked it, I can tell.” He says, as he leans in closer.
    I shove my fist into his chest, to stop him. “Did my hand hitting you tell you something that I don’t know?”
    “You’re not like any other girl here. I just want to get to know you better.”
    “And that’s your way of getting to know somebody? Besides, you don’t want to get to know me, trust me.” I tell him as I’m secretly reliving the feel of his lips on mine.
    “Let me be the judge of that.”
    He pulls me in closer as his finger tugs at my jeans, his arms wrap around my waist. “Now, where were we?”
    “Cameron, I can’t do this and I don’t want to do this. You need to leave...NOW.”
    He doesn’t move an inch, he just stands in front of me, grinning from ear to ear. He leaves me no choice. I turn, leaving him speechless on the sidewalk. That was not what I expected or even imagined. I run into my house and right up into my room. I look out my window, he is sitting in his car, not leaving, just sitting. He is right about one thing, I do need to loosen up, I can’t let my mother ruin everything.
    I liked the kiss, almost too much, and was afraid of what Gabby had told me. He had plenty of girlfriends in the past, a real lady killer, all the girls want him. She also warned me about Barbie, and that her and her cheerleading friends can make the next few months a living hell for me. My cousin, who is on the cheerleading team, can’t even help me if she wanted to, or her life would be hell too. She is only a junior, she has a full year left, and we have nothing in common.

    I am definitely looking forward to History class today. I’ve somehow managed to watch Kat from a distance without her knowing, but in History there is no avoiding it. I am surprised when she hesitates in the front of the classroom. I can tell she is contemplating where to sit. I keep my focus off of her as much as I can and try to focus on my notebook.
    I can sense that she wants to sit by me today just as much as I want her to walk to the back and join me. I manage to pretend not to notice or care about that very fact, but when she bends over to pick up her pencil, I can’t help but look. I don’t care. I swear no one ever looked better in a pair of jeans than her. It’s hard to concentrate on anything else, but her. I wasn’t sure if she deliberately dropped her pencil, or if it was by pure luck on my part. Either way, I made out on the deal, the view was brief, but amazing. I didn’t even care about her noticing that I was looking.
    Even though I did my best to avoid her for most of January, I can’t resist her anymore. I know I have to make a move, any move, and soon. Guys are starting to notice her, and I mean really notice her. I know that if I don’t act now, I’ll have to get in line, and I’m not sure if I will win.
    Her locker is in a completely different wing than mine, so I have to high tail it over after class if I want to catch her. I stop when I see her fumbling to get into it. She looks so small, so helpless for a complete second. I fly over, opening it for her, and in that brief moment when she smiles back. I know I have a chance.
    Then it happens, just as I am about to make my move, Stephanie comes up from behind. I can only assume this is merely her way to grab Kat’s attention. I am pissed. Kat walks away, and Stephanie isn’t getting the picture. I’ve avoided her like the plague for the last few weeks, can’t she take a hint? I’m getting tired of coming up with excuses, I need to end it, and end it today.
    For now,
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