Missing Read Online Free Page B

Book: Missing Read Online Free
Author: Susan Lewis
Tags: Crime
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exactly what this is. Me trying to protect you from yourself, because no one ever sees things rationally when they’re in love.’
    ‘For heaven’s sake! Five minutes ago it was Jacqueline I was worrying about, now here you are telling me that I’m the one who’s unhinged, because I fell for a sociopath.’
    Looking suitably chastened, Alice replied, ‘That’s not what I’m saying at all, so why don’t we try to start this again? Jacqueline does a disappearing act, Miles calls you and intimates she might have gone because he still has feelings for you.’
    ‘He didn’t say that!’
    ‘But he did intimate it, and now we’re extremely worried because we all know what she did to get him back last time.’
    ‘Blimey, she might already be dead,’ Kayla murmured. ‘Three weeks is a long time.’ Her eyes rounded with intrigue. ‘Oh my God, what if he’s offed her?’
    ‘For God’s sake!’ Vivienne shouted angrily. ‘I wish I’d never even mentioned it now.’
    ‘But what if she
turn up?’ Alice said.
    ‘Of course she will. She always does, so let’s change the subject. I want to know what happened with the WI at the weekend? Better still, let’s break out the champagne. We have a movie deal to celebrate, remember?’
    ‘I’m up for that,’ Kayla responded, heading for the kitchen. ‘It’s not the best, because they didn’t have it, but it’s dry and it sparkles.’
    When Alice’s eyes came back to Vivienne’s they were softening with affection. ‘I’m sorry if I gave you a hard time,’ she said. ‘I don’t mean to be unkind, I just don’t want to see you hurt the way you were before.’
    ‘I know,’ Vivienne responded. ‘And I shouldn’t have got so worked up.’
    Coming to give her a hug, Alice said, ‘You wouldn’t be human if you hadn’t. It’s a very sensitive issue for you, I understand that, and I could see how shaken up you were the minute I walked in the door.’
    ‘Please let’s drop it now,’ Vivienne said. ‘We have work to do and champagne to drink … And phones to answer,’ she added, picking up the nearest one as the main line started to ring. ‘Vivienne Kane speaking,’ she told the caller.
    There was a moment’s silence, which caused her a beat of unease, until Alice’s husband, Angus, suddenly said, ‘Sorry. Are you there? Is that Alice?’
    ‘No, Vivienne. How are you?’
    ‘Snowed under, but not too busy to congratulate my girls on their movie deal. Alice left me a message. Dinner’s on me tonight. Hope you can make it. Rose and Crown, Kew Green? Tell my wife I love her, and book us a table if you get a minute.’
    ‘We’d starve without you,’ Vivienne informed him, only half joking. And putting the phone down she said to Alice, ‘Angus loves you, and is taking us to dinner tonight.’
    Rescuing two fizzing mugs from the tray Kayla was carrying, Alice passed one to Vivienne, saying, ‘Here’s to my husband, our accountant; Irwin, our saviour, and the WI for their crazy schemes, though they’re not going to earn us any money, and frankly I’m starting to feel a bit doubtful about helping them since you got the call from Miles. Kenleigh might be some distance from Moorlands, but it’s still in the same county.’
    ‘I thought they were only after advice,’ Vivienne replied, aware of the churning feeling inside her. ‘Are you saying we’re getting involved?’
    Alice grimaced. ‘Actually, I don’t think we have much choice, and I know you’re going to agree, because the reason for their auction is to help Sharon Goss, who – I’m sorry to break it to you like this – has leukaemia.’
    Vivienne’s face drained. ‘Oh my God,’ she murmured, unable to comprehend life’s cruelties as she pictured Sharon’s slight, tragic figure beside her husband’s grave, and how she’d tried to throw herself onto the coffin as it was lowered. It was Miles who’d caught her and wrapped her in his arms before taking her back to the

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