Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series) Read Online Free Page A

Malevolence - Legacy Series Book Two (The Legacy Series)
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something else out.   If we aren’t back in the next couple of minutes, take the truck home.   We’ll shift and run home.   Before you start questioning me, please just do it.”
                “Okay.   It will be a little hard to explain to her why I’m leaving you when she doesn’t know we can think our thoughts to each other.”   Chrissy thought back to me.
                “ Please don’t make this complicated, just go if we’re not back.”   I thought to her.  
    Oakley and I headed over to the trees, looking around for anything out of the ordinary.   Sitting on a tree stump staring back at us was a red fox.   “He’s cute.”
                “ She is.   That cute little fox is Mili . She usually runs with her sister Issie and they just so happen to be shape shifters.”   Oakley said as we walked closer to where the little fox sat.
                As we approached, her right black tipped ear rotated from the front to the side like her own personal radar.   She had her winter coat, reddish orange with a white chin and neck.   Her bushy tail twitched the closer we got.
                “You should see the two of you walking in slow motion.   I wish I had a camera with me, I’d totally take your pic and post it on Facebook .”   A voice directly to our right said.
                Oakley spun around on his heel to catch the owner of the voice. “ Issie , I see you’ve left your sister out here as a decoy.   Well played,” Oakley said to the raven haired beauty.
                I watched her movement as she came closer to us, she walked with caution yet it was graceful and fluid.   Her straight black hair hid most of her face until she was directly in front of us.   As she tucked her hair behind her ear I noticed two slash marks across her face.   The scars did little to distract from her obvious beauty.   She had on neon pink and green striped tights, with combat boot that looked like someone went crazy with a bedazzler .   Her white leather trench coat, cinched tightly across her tiny waist, hid the presumably colorful outfit she wore.
                “The Great Wolf, I presume.”   She spun around doing an over dramatic curtsey.
                I laughed nervously as I notice Mili leap from the stump and inch in closer to her sister.   “I’m Abel, nice to meet you, Issie .”  
                “What happened out here Issie ? I don’t want to hear any of your flim flam either,” Oakley snapped at her.
                She twirled around in a circle with her arms out wide doing some little jig at the end.   “Oakley, you’re so mean.”   She stuck her bottom lip out so far it made her round face look like a cartoon character.
                “A girl was left out here in a tent.   Who did it?”   Oakley asked again.
                “Oh herrrrr ?   She cries a lot.   I don’t like girls that cry,” she said as she admired her fingernails.
                Oakley leaped over her, grabbed her from behind, and held a hunting knife to her throat.   “I’m going to ask one more time, if you don’t answer me I will slit your throat, you little pain in the ass.   What.   Happened.   Out.   Here?”   The little fox stood next to her sister barking at Oakley.
                “Let me go.   Come on Oakley, let me go.”   She whined.
                It looked like he tightened his squeeze on her, looking up to give me a reassurance nod.   “Answer me.”
                “You’re an ass.   I didn’t see anything.   I heard some human girl crying in the tent so I snuck up on her and peeked in on her.   I’ve been looking around for her abductor and haven’t seen anything.   I didn’t smell another wolf though if that is what you want to
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