He’s squeezing my wrists hard and it’s going to leave marks.
I try to say something to him but all that comes out is a sob. I push forward again, trying to escape the cage that he’s made. He shoves me back harder and pushes a knee between my legs, using his body weight to pin me completely. His focus is on my lips and the look on his face is one of complete wonder. I look at his lips too and sob again remembering how passionately he kissed her. I’ve never been kissed. Never wanted to be until this very minute.
I shove against him again, this time using my hips. He pushes me back and now we’re even closer. His pelvis against mine, our heads slightly angled to keep our faces from touching.
“Belén?” he asks quietly.
“What?” I ask, still unable to control the crying.
I look him in the eye and I see a flash of anger and frustration. I can physically feel his hesitation. I push forward with my hips and he pulls one arm down, leaving the other still pinned next to my head. I can’t help but stare at his lips—the top one as full as the bottom. Lips that I know have the perfect arch, the outrageously cute smile, and the syrupy, guilty pull of desire.
I lick my lips and I know my expression is pained. He pushes his hips forward again and I make a sound that’s not a cry but something more related to pleasure—something else has overtaken the pain.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” he asks in a husky whisper.
I can’t say anything. I continue to push my hips forward, seeking the heat that it’s bringing me.
His eyes are on mine as he ducks his head and places his mouth against mine. I groan deeply inside but the sound that leaves my body is pleading and needy. His lips feel like a soft salve that cuts the sharp burn of desire. He barely uses his tongue, his mouth works so gently against mine. He’s coaxing me, he’s guiding me and I’m more than eager to learn. Then his tongue darts out to taste me and it plays hesitantly along my lips. I open my mouth to him and he slips his tongue inside and finally, I taste him.
My whole body is on fire. Heat runs through me, igniting every single inch of me. The surface of my skin is electrified, alive in a way that it’s never been. Red-hot handprints must be left behind on every place he’s touching me. The ache in my heart is replaced slowly but surely with an unbearable ache between my legs. I squeeze them together around his leg and push my hips further into his. The friction makes me whimper into our kiss.
Then I feel it. His erection pressing into my thigh. I’m barely able to wrap my head around what’s happening or what the hardness means. I instinctually move my center, seeking out his erection with my core. I push into him further and this time it’s him who breaks our kiss with a noise of his own.
He releases his hand that had mine pinned at my side and he seeks out my butt cheeks, his free hand squeezing and kneading, all the while pulling me closer to him. He’s cradling my whole body.
“Fuck,” he whispers all throaty right into my mouth. Then “Fuck,” again as he lifts me off the ground so that his hard penis is right between my legs. I have no idea what I’m doing but I open my mouth wider and allow his tongue to do whatever it wants.
“Oh fuck,” he says again as he rubs himself against me. I know that he usually says it when something is wrong, but the breathy tone and delivery he uses now make it sound like a prayer instead of a cussword. He thrusts forward again and pushes another pleading moan out of me and right into his mouth.
That’s when the front door slams and Titi walks into the apartment.
Luciano shoves me aside with so much force that I jam my elbows catching myself on the sink to keep from slamming into the floor. He opens the refrigerator and yanks out some leftovers, setting them with a loud thud onto the counter.
“Oh, hi, Belén,” Titi says as she comes around the corner.
She then looks to Luciano