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Lying With Temptation
Book: Lying With Temptation Read Online Free
Author: S. M. Donaldson
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smiles, “Oh it went awesome, I start Monday.  He seems pretty cool; do you have him for any classes?”
    “Yeah, I have him when the fall semester starts for Purpose of Art.”
    She smiles, “Do you know what time yet?”
    “Umm, I think it’ll be like the eleven o’clock class.”
    She laughs, “Me too.  At least I’ll have someone in there.”
    “How do you manage to get a T.A. job for a class you are going to have?”
    “I asked that same question, he said it wouldn’t be a big deal I just won’t assist in anything from my class and that is the only time that he’s teaching that course this semester, so it’s not like I can look at the other kids work.”
    I nod, “Okay sounds good.”  Now’s as good a time as any, “So you and Cade?”
    She laughs, “Please don’t tell me you think…”
    “Oh no! I’m just wondering how you guys got to be so close.  I mean you guys are constantly on each others asses about something…but I think he’d kill any guy who came near you.”
    She laughs, “He’s been my best friend and next door neighbor since we were born.  He gets a little over-protective sometimes…just because of some crap that happened last year.”
    “Oh did you have a relationship go wrong or something?”
    “Well, lets see…a friendship and what I thought was a relationship….it’s really fucked up I don’t like to talk much about it.”
    I nod, I’m not going to push this. It’s the most I’ve been able to talk to her.  “Well Cade seems like an awesome friend to have.”
    She smiles, “He is…he’s like the brother I never had, I only have a sister and she’s different.”
    I nod, “Yeah Russ is more like my brother than a cousin, I have two sisters and I’m the baby so….they pretty much tried to ruin me.”
    She la ughs, “Oh well, I’m the oldest.  My sister Anna is the total opposite of me; she’s beautiful, blond, rocking body, dresses in cardigans and pearls.  I’m into my jeans, sports and converse tennis shoes.”
    Damn she really doesn’t realize how beautiful she is or how rocking her body is for that matter and her raven hair…jeez…I gotta stop thinking about all of this. “So what sports are you into?”
    “Well in high school I did the track/cross country thing and volleyball.  I also always worked out with Cade, most of the time doing the same training he did for football.  Which I really have to get back into he was right, I’ve let myself go the past month.”
    I laugh, “I wouldn’t go that far, but if you want to work out with us or whatever just let me know, I’m cool with it.  Cade seems like he has your training under control.”  I shake my head, “I don’t know many girls that would’ve ran the rocks like you did today.  I think most of the team was impressed…not that they can say that in front of Cade.”
    She looks up, “Why can’t they say anything like that in front of Cade?  Is he really that bad about me?  He’s such a dick sometimes, but he just tries to keep me from dealing with bull shit.”
    My cell starts ringing with Crazy Bitch that I have assigned to Jules, “Ugh.”
    She laughs, “What?  Oh don’t tell me is that the old possessive girlfriend?”
    I nod, “The very same one.”
    She grabs my phone, “Do you mind?”
    I laugh and shake my head, “No.”
    She answers the phone, “Hello…Umm well he’s kinda busy…yeah well too bad…this is Gabby who is this?...oh ha ha.”
    She hangs up I laugh because I could hear Jules being a total bitch.  “That shit was too funny, what did she say?”
    She laughs, “Okay first off you are right about the bitch part.  When I answered I think she was in shock that a girl was answering your phone which is what I was going for.  She’s like let me talk to Linc and I said you were busy…making it sound as bad as possible…she’s like well I really need to talk to him now….then she was like who the fuck is this and then you heard the rest, except
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