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Loved by You
Book: Loved by You Read Online Free
Author: Victoria H. Smith
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surrounding me. Though the restaurant had sectioned off part of the establishment with lattice privacy screens, the other diners’ banter bled through. Miami had its hotspots and this was one of them. Heavy silk draped on the walls, pure silver dining utensils shined, and fountains cascaded into pools lining the walkways. Even being here felt weird—off. I wouldn’t have been opposed to having these meetings in my home. It would have been more intimate, personal. And maybe having home court advantage, I might have gotten a word in edgewise about what I wanted for the wedding, gotten to share my ideas for my and Griffin’s big day. Mickey already set this up though. I guess he didn’t know my style either.
    I stretched out my fingers on the table, staring at the ring Griffin had given me. This was what I wanted this wedding to be about. Him and me. My fingers itched to text him again or even call him, but I didn’t want him thinking I was incapable of doing things without him. He’d been taking care of me since we got here. I could take care of this for us.
    “Sir, I haven’t yet announced you. You can’t—”
    I raised my head, pulling my hand into my lap. The restaurant owner had come back into my closed-off space, flanking a well-dressed man who was making his way in casual strides to my table. He was well-dressed, yet casual; jeans paired with a narrow-fitted blazer.
    He stopped in front of my table, hands clasped at his waist and a small smile on his face surrounded by a well-trimmed beard, a set of stylish glasses resting on his nose.
    The restaurant owner cut to the side of him. “I’m sorry, Ms. Peterson. He has an appointment, but wouldn’t wait for me to announce him.”
    Honestly, I thought the whole announcing thing was a bit over the top anyway. People being presented to me like I was some kind of royalty tucked away in my ivory tower that was this sheltered corner of the restaurant, and him being here early meant I could wrap up this long day anyway. Though I did wonder about this man who chose to break the rules.
    I stood. “It’s fine. No big deal.”
    My ally with the grey hair gave me a nod before leaving, tugging his ear just once, reminding me of our secret signal. And I definitely would be using it if need be. Again, thank God for that man.
    “My bride,” the man in front of me said, placing out his hands for mine.
    “Oh.” Flustered, I gave them to him. Normally, people just shook my hand, so imagine my surprise when this guy not only did that but also brought me to him, kissing both of my cheeks French style. The French woman didn’t even do that.
    “Troy Daniels,” he said, lowering my hands. “I appreciate your people contacting me, and of course yourself for setting aside the time to meet.”
    “The pleasure is all mine. And I’m Roxie. Nice to meet you.” I gestured for him to sit, but he didn’t until I had, crossing his leg at the knee. Again, a very casual thing to do to go with his stylish laid back style. I also noticed he didn’t have anything with him. No presentation boards or attendants. That was a first.
    I righted my pen to the notepad I had. I hadn’t taken many notes so far, but I felt it was good to be prepared. “So, Mr. Daniels—”
    He lifted his hands. “Troy is completely fine.”
    I smiled. “Troy it is then. Did you bring anything you need set up or…”
    “I have it all right here,” he said, tapping his head once. “Did you? Bring anything that is?”
    My eyes shifted unsure of what he meant. I’d never been asked that before. “Sorry?”
    “To set up. Present. I find knowing the bride’s vision first sets the ground work for any ideas I create for the wedding. Do you have any initial thoughts for your wedding? Anything you might have envisioned before getting engaged or had jotted down after?”
    He waited patiently after the words, and so thrown he even asked, I hesitated my response. A slow smile spread across my lips. “Um, yes.
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