bears, and not the kind you found in the woods. Or maybe it was something about how tactile he was and the way he imagined Sean’s body would feel under his hands, furry and warm.
“I’m gonna climb you like a fucking tree,” he muttered as the light faded again and he walked his body into Sean’s, backing him up until they slammed into the wall.
His hands battled with Sean’s as they pushed the robe to the floor and then raced to strip Austin’s jeans and briefs down around his feet. He kicked off his shoes, then the clothes, palming himself as he stared at Sean’s naked body. Not for drawing now, and with a cock that hardened under his gaze. Austin’s eyes must have adjusted completely to the dark, because he could see everything. Sean opened his mouth but Austin didn’t need any more conversation.
Sean’s chest was hot against Austin’s mouth. He wrapped one hand around Sean’s length and found a flat pink nipple buried in all that chest hair with the other, licking it until it tightened against his tongue.
“Ahh, this is…I was gonna ask you out for coffee,” Sean panted, face red as Austin experimented with his grip on Sean’s dick.
“You did. Coffee later,” Austin muttered and tugged Sean’s face down to his.
That peppermint scent surrounded him again and he expected to taste it in Sean’s mouth, but didn’t. Not until Sean pulled away just long enough to drag his mouth down to Austin’s neck and fasten tight, tripping every hell-yeah switch in Austin’s body, did the peppermint source reveal itself.
Sean’s hair radiated the fresh, clean smell and Austin pressed his face against it, breathing deep.
“God, you smell good. Makes me wanna eat you up.”
“Back atcha,” said Sean as he started to sink to his knees.
Austin grabbed at Sean’s thick arms and hauled him back up.
“No, like this.” The novelty of it was too much of a turn-on. Austin was used to being face to chest or face to belly with guys who were towered over him. But Sean was only a little taller than him and being able to kiss him and rub their dicks together was a weird kind of thrill he hadn’t known he’d been missing.
“Okay, but this isn’t gonna be fancy.”
“Don’t need fancy.”
Sean wrapped his hand around both of them and held on so tight Austin got dizzy. This wasn’t the kind of thing he and Vinnie had ever been able to do, not with the foot difference in their heights.
God. Get him the fuck out of your head.
Fucking into someone’s hand up against the wall was a brand-new experience for him and it deserved all his fucking attention. Especially when Sean leaned back against the wall, spread his legs and sank down an inch or two, bringing them into perfect alignment.
Austin slapped a hand flat to the wall at Sean’s shoulder and dug his forehead into Sean’s chest. Heat was building in his balls, the muscles of his arms and legs straining as he stood frozen. Except for his hips, which couldn’t help moving.
When he came, it caught him by surprise. A sharp burst of heat flashing from the base of his spine and shooting out the tip of his dick and a sudden surge that left him groaning.
Austin flopped against Sean’s shoulder, breath heaving, as Sean reached for himself.
No way. That’s mine.
He slapped Sean’s hand away, bracing a forearm across Sean’s chest to hold him in place. Austin’s hand was extra slick when he fumbled for Sean’s cock, gripping him tight and stripping an orgasm out of him in a few hard strokes.
When Sean shouted and sagged against the wall, Austin eased him down to the floor, where they collapsed in the tangle of their own clothes.
“Wow. You’re pretty strong.”
“For a little guy?”
“For anyone,” Sean said, frowning at him and stepping hard on Austin’s guilt button. The faint light caught on the downward curve of his lips. “Do you lift?”
Overreact much? “Yeah.”
“I can tell.”
To make up for jumping down Sean’s throat—