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Book: Larken Read Online Free
Author: S.G. Rogers
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to the courtyard, where she was able to get a good look at Graceling Hall for the first time. The Jacobean structure was impressively magnificent, fashioned of a warm, weathered beige stone. Although it was largely rectangular in shape, several turrets gave the building a castle-like feeling. The grounds themselves were astonishingly beautiful, with rolling green lawns dotted here and there with grazing sheep.
    The chapel was located on the grounds, and the carriage ride took less than ten minutes. Larken rode alone, but someone had left a spray of lavender on the seat for her to use as a bridal bouquet. As the chapel grew closer, she wondered why she wasn’t nervous about her impending nuptials. None of it felt real, or perhaps she was too numb to feel much of anything at all.
    As she walked through the chapel door, she paused to let her eyes adjust to the dim lighting. The church was largely empty, but strangers filled the pews up front. Larken recognized James and Nell, and she supposed the remaining guests were probably all staff from Graceling Hall. A man was waiting for her where the groom usually stood, but he didn’t turn around to watch as she approached.
    After Larken joined him at the altar, she stole a glance at the man’s profile. His dark brown hair was brushed back away from his face, the lower half of which was covered with a thick growth of beard. Certainly, he wasn’t the elderly gentleman she’d anticipated, but she couldn’t tell what he really looked like from that angle.
    A scant few minutes later, the clergyman pronounced them husband and wife, and invited Mr. King to kiss his bride. Her new husband merely brushed his lips against the back of Larken’s hand, and thereafter moved over to the registry to sign his name. After he put the pen down, he bowed to Larken and then strode from the chapel. He’d gone through the entire ceremony without looking at her once.
    Larken signed her maiden name in the registry with trembling fingers. As she went up the aisle alone afterward, she could see pity in the faces of the onlookers…and still she felt nothing. The carriage brought her back to the house, where Mrs. Mason greeted her with a cheerful smile.
    “You have my most sincere wishes for a happy marriage, Mrs. King. There’s wedding cake for you in your sitting room.”
    “Thank you.”
    For some reason, Larken’s legs were shaking as she climbed the stairs, but she grasped the handrail and managed to pull herself up as best she could. When she entered the sitting room, she noticed a small cake waiting for her on the table, along with a single plate, napkin, and a fork. The reality of the situation hit her, and she suddenly felt as if she’d just been the victim of a train accident for the second time in her life. Her bridal bouquet slipped from her grasp, and she sank into a chair just as the tears began to fall.
    What have I done?

Chapter Three
    N ELL A PPEARED . “M RS . K ING , do you—” She broke off.
    “I’m sorry. Forgive me for crying, but I can’t help it.”
    The young maid made a sympathetic noise, sat down next to Larken, and put a soothing hand on her shoulder. She said nothing until the sobbing began to slow.
    “Has Mr. King always been so cold?” Larken asked finally.
    A shake of the head. “I haven’t been working here more than a few months, so I couldn’t say. All the staff are new, as a matter of fact.”
    “What happened to the former staff? Did he frighten them off?”
    “I was told Graceling Hall was locked up for several years, and the former staff was let go. I’ve never heard Mr. King be cross or cruel to anyone, but he’s always remote…like he was today.” She paused. “It’s none of my business, but why did you marry him? You could’ve had any gentleman you chose.”
    “I only wish that were true, but I’m deformed and I have no dowry. I was obliged to take the first offer I received or be turned out.”
    “ Deformed? Beg your pardon, but
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